"I do think the worst of the used-vehicle market is upon us." That’s a quote from Cox Automotive’s Chief Economist Jonathan Smoke in an interview with Automotive News
As Volvo jumps on board the Tesla charging standard train, the SAE moves to fast track the standard nationally. This is seen as a major boost to Tesla's plan to expand access to its proprietary charging stations. The shift toward Tesla's North American Charging Standard (NACS) marks a departure from previous governmental efforts to establish the Combined Charging System (CCS) as the dominant US standard.
Marty McFly's flying car was set in 2015, and while we might be a bit behind Back to the Future's timeline, Alef Aeronautics is now bringing us one step closer to a sci-fi dream as the company's fully electric flying car, the 'Model A,' has just received legal approval for flight from the US government, marking a new era in transportation.
Paul Daly: 0:27Is it Wednesday already? It's Wednesday already.Already already today we're talking about a React the worst part of the used car business maybe fast tracking a charging standard and the first flying car approved Evie flying car we were just talking about this.Where can you fly a battery or?I guess it works.
Kyle Mountsier: 0:48
Can you fly a Silverado?
Paul Daly: 0:50
No. Yeah, I'm big into the sea. 130 Yeah. Whenever those military planes back, I don't know. Have you been getting all the storms? I see airline cancellations and like I was shot backing water out of our building last night because the rain is way nuts. Oh, yeah.It was man. It was for glamorous entrepreneurs, small business owner life and like, here's my plan.
Kyle Mountsier: 1:13
This is what happens when I wake up here. I wake up, alarm goes off, grab my phone, phone goes. Don't go outside. It's too hot. Just like that. It yells at me.
Paul Daly: 1:24
I thought about what?Today Today we got the don't go outside. There's Canadian wildfire smoke again. So apparently it's made it all the way across the world. Now. What?Yeah, it's in Europe and stuff like yeah, they said Europe,it's like higher altitudes. I
Kyle Mountsier: 1:40
don't know that we were done with this just impact in world world.
Paul Daly: 1:45
Yes, the wrong reason. Here are reasons to be in the news. Hey, today we have a webinar going on with our friends at cole review. You can go to a car view and relevant dealer. It's about GA for right a lot of questions around GA for and kind of like this is going to start at the basics right and walk people through. You can go you please register. Now you go to a so to.com It's like the very first thing underneath the email, sign up. Click on that.It's a fast this is our first of our new format, right?
Kyle Mountsier: 2:14
Yeah, it's gonna be a 30 minute format. We won't keep you long. It's going to be a lot of strong information, a lot of screenshots. Here's what's crazy, is I'm watching this week. It's like,everybody's kind of been slow playing GTA four, like, Yeah,some people were setting it up.And there was some worries and they got events firing. And all the sudden it's like, out of the woodwork. Everybody's talking about it. Everybody how it happened out, everybody's like,where's our data gonna go?There's a lot of like, new things that people aren't aware of that are gonna totally change how you view your data and how that impacts like, ads and deliverability and all that. So this is one to pay attention to,I would sign up for it. And if you can't make it live, just check the recording because you sign
Paul Daly: 3:00
up so you get the recording. Yep. And, again, 30minutes in and out. And that's information.
Kyle Mountsier: 3:08
Speaking lots of information. There we go. Segue.Always
Paul Daly: 3:14
favorite time of year when Jonathan smoke just started dropping bombs on the industry.He said, I do think the worst of the US vehicle market is upon us. That's quote from Cox,automotive chief economist Jonathan smoke in an interview with automotive news. So basically with us car prices back in depreciation territory,he says May and June could go down in the books as the worst may in June in history for us cars, losing value smoke said however, there's a bright side,the return of new car competition is good for the used car market, especially for the customers who have been sidelined due to the affordability issues we've been talking so much about. He predicts a strong second half of2023 and says I'm optimistic that every month later this year, we'll actually create strength in the US vehicle market. So maybe we've hit the bottom.
Kyle Mountsier: 4:04
You know, it's interesting because it's when you hear the worst for vehicle depreciation, right? It's
Paul Daly: 4:11
like which one is good? It's like saying uphill or downhill, like right. So it's all downhill from here. Is that good or bad? Or it's going down?Well, that's bad. It's all downhill from here is good.That's I feel like this conversation practically.
Kyle Mountsier: 4:23
The reality is,is that US vehicle sales volume is not at its worst ever, it means that it has the highest level of depreciation ever. This is interesting though, if you're paying attention and you're in the used car market, whether yours car manager or salesperson, typically wholesale values are a leading indicator on retail value. So margin gaps are still staying pretty strong these couple of months. Now, the tricky part here is onboarded inventory losing greater value over time than you would have expected it watch out for your sell wanna turn your inventory quickly so that you don't get into a cost to market price to market battle to where you're going to lose money in July and August. So that's the heads up,like you might be looking at May and June have been great. Just gotta watch your vehicle values,watch your turn and make sure that you don't have like a bunch of bloat water in your inventory. So this
Paul Daly: 5:19
is one of the people that this is where the people that have been doing the work,right, can actually perform the people that have the system in place to do the work. And if you want to get a little more savvy on that, I will plug it on Fridays we have an all things use car clubhouse for me at 9am where some of the smartest people in the used car business are sharing all the secrets. So that's where the training it's like the workout room. Right?It's where people are working it out. Speaking of working it out,
Kyle Mountsier: 5:43
segue their time. They are.
Paul Daly: 5:47
They're doing so as Volvo just announced yesterday that they're jumping on board with the Tesla charging standard.
Kyle Mountsier: 5:54
The SAE moot,that's right.
Paul Daly: 5:57
SAE which actually stands for I had to look it up.This is a great thing. The Society of Automotive Engineers that sounds like there's a there's a building somewhere where people meet and they get in a circle and there's some panels burning nothing on the front, right? Yeah, yeah, just one door. No windows, right. But the SAE I'm going to start this as Volvo jumps on board with Tesla SAE moves to fast track this standard nationally. So this is seen as a major boost of Tesla's plan to expand access to its proprietary charging station and the shift towards what is calling the NACS. But we're just calling it the Tesla standard really marks a departure from the previous governmental initiatives to make CCS the combined charging system, the standard so the CCS people are a little grumpy about it. But basically, when the SAE is gonna get behind this and go for it,it is the fast track to getting the funding and getting the charging stations up. According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Lab, the US is set to install 1.2 public chargers including 1 million level two chargers by the year2030. Which is I know, I don't have the button. I have this is a year where chargers are everywhere. And testing. I was gonna try to find scripts
Kyle Mountsier: 7:15
charges are everywhere, including on mountains ready to charge your Jeep as you go on. I'm not
Paul Daly: 7:21
for you. Right. So yeah, so again, just more acceleration and fast track behind the Tesla's charging standard. The SAE seems like you know, they need input from government agencies and all this stuff. So it's a little more of like the conversation,
Kyle Mountsier: 7:34
but it's moving looks like we're getting progressively further on Biden,the Biden administration's goal of half a million public chargers. So you know,standardizing actually speeds that up, because then the private and public companies can actually just commit to what the money behind reductions, right?It's like, yeah, okay, we know what we're making, go build the manufacturing, the r&d, all of the processes, and get those things installed. I still think it's an aggressive goal. I'm still, you know, my question is like, can that actually satisfy the deed? Would you think about the like, how much turnover has to happen to be able to satisfy the need on like gas stations,and whether or not the turnover of public charging stations on the charging side can actually satisfy the need of the consumer so well, but
Paul Daly: 8:28
there's a whole other avenue to this that we haven't talked about, and I haven't seen anywhere in the news. And that is the continued conversation around like, Hey, we're having warm temperatures, there's a heatwave power grids are stressed what happens when there's 1.2 million charging stations in the US drawing more power to move the cars around?Like, that's, it's like, I don't know, man. I don't know what like that doesn't seem like a really quick thing to get online.
Kyle Mountsier: 8:53
No, I can't imagine. I mean, Texas right now is going through. Like, I'm trying to imagine what's gonna happen in Texas.
Paul Daly: 9:02
I was gonna say I'll help you imagine that heat. If you were gonna say that, like we put your
Kyle Mountsier: 9:06
we're gonna get101 here on Saturday on my birthday, so sorry, there,there's gonna be in the field.
Paul Daly: 9:12
Well, Syracuse has a beautiful like 73 today. I have a long sleeve shirt on because I like Oh, I feel good. I feel good.
Kyle Mountsier: 9:22
Man. There's nothing else other than just feeling good about this last story. So speaking of feeling good, it is.
Paul Daly: 9:29
It brought me back.
Kyle Mountsier: 9:33
Marty McFly is flying car was set in 2015. And while we might be a bit behind back to the futures timeline, a left aeronautics is now bringing us one step closer to a sci fi dream as the company's fully electric flying car. The Model A has just received legal approval for flight. A U S government marking a new era and transportation. Here's the breakdown. Basically the Model A A offer street driving and vertical takeoff and landing called Evie tall. It was introduced in October after receiving a $3 million seed investment. It's going to have a200 mile driving range. And 110mile flight range. I'll take that. And it's already received440 reservations. Look,
Paul Daly: 10:23
I'm so I'm so I hope nobody in
Kyle Mountsier: 10:25
Michigan gets to get in one of these cars because those people can barely drive anyway, think about them flying.
Paul Daly: 10:31
I feel like I feel like a big component to these vertical takeoff is like auto pilot. Right? Like that's a big barrier. Because if you need if you need a pilot's license to this, right, like, I don't know if you've heard but it's really hard to get one of those Michael's real actually is like this close to his pilot's license. He's the kind of guy like, can you just see him? Like coming out of the cockpit of a commercial airliner? Like,actually what the way I feel the voice on?
Kyle Mountsier: 10:57
He would actually have like one of those old school pilot helmets like chin strap.
Paul Daly: 11:03
With goggles like up here that goes up
Kyle Mountsier: 11:06
in the air.Yeah, that would actually be up on his head.
Paul Daly: 11:09
Yeah, I think if I was a pilot, I would walk out of the cockpit with one of those just for fun. Like now I'm just kidding. No, but because
Kyle Mountsier: 11:16
the vehicle was set to begin production in q4 of2025. So we're a little bit out from actually production, but it's close. already developing a four person sedan, the Moto Z,which is expected to launch in no short timeline in 2035.Paul's got big dreams for long time.
Paul Daly: 11:39
I know like look, the flying car thing is cool. The Eevee flying car thing is cool.As long as a person isn't flying it. It's funny how like in an Eevee pickup, the towing when you tow something, it makes the range go down by as much as half, right? And this thing is accomplishing the same battery efficiency, but it's flying in that weird. It's so wild. I'll take I mean, we'll see. Well, I
Kyle Mountsier: 12:02
believe in what I'm interested in, as long as someone has a pilot license or it's on
Paul Daly: 12:08
Autumn Island. I think I'd want substantial testing before I got in one of these. Because there's no like rolling stop, right? Do you ever have you ever seen a drone lose its battery in the air? Oh, it's
Kyle Mountsier: 12:20
just full dry.That's fun. Gone
Paul Daly: 12:26
break out of sky breakouts. I mean, maybe they have like a built in parachute or something. Who knows? That might help that might. There's only two days left in June. Did you know that? Oh three, right,three. Is it Saturday close again. Now Friday close out Friday. Close is good, though.That's good. Friday causes good good starts next month. Talk to you soon.