Tesla Under 50% Market Share, 3 Row Pickups, AI Interview Assistants

July 11, 2024
It’s another great day in the auto industry, and we’re digging into the news that Tesla’s EV market share has fallen below 50%. Plus, pickups are considering adding a 3rd row of seating, and AI is helping job applicants (and potentially BDCs in the future) ace their interviews.
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Tesla's dominance in the U.S. EV market might be slipping, dropping below 50 percent as competitors gain ground, even as overall EV sales continue to rise.

  • Cox Automotive’s Q2 report showed that Tesla's market share dropped to 49.7% in Q2 2024, down from 59.3%.
  • This marks the first time Tesla's share has fallen below 50% since the Model S launched in 2012.
  • At the start of the decade, Tesla's market share was 76% but has been shrinking annually ever since.
  • Rivals like GM, Ford, Hyundai, and Kia are closing the gap with total EV sales rising by 11.3% nationwide, hitting 330,000 units.
  • EVs accounted for 8% of all vehicle sales last quarter, up from 7.2% in 2023.
  • Despite the market share drop, Tesla's stock rose 1% following the report.

As more and more consumers are using pickups as their daily drivers, Ram is reviving the concept of third-row seating, this time in pickup trucks, reminiscent of the fold-out seats in old station wagons. The innovation aims to add versatility for modern truck owners.

  • Ram filed a patent for a third row of seats folding out of the truck cab's back wall.
  • The rear wall also doubles as a mid-gate, creating a larger cargo area when needed.
  • The concept was first shown in the Ram REVolution electric truck at CES last year.
  • "Is this necessary? Maybe not, but why not add more seating options?" questioned a reviewer.
  • PRODUCER’S NOTE: We had a Ford Ranger growing up with the 2 jump seats in the cab that faced each other. Even as a kid, I remember them not being the most comfortable. I hope this next generation fares better.

If using AI on a school test is cheating, what about on a job interview? Final Round AI has introduced tools to help job seekers ace their interviews using AI, sparking debate about the ethics and future of AI in recruitment.

  • Final Round AI offers AI-powered résumé builders, cover letter services, and a mock interview tool.
  • Their Copilot app listens in on interviews and feeds candidates answers in real time.
  • These proxy interviews are becoming more popular and involve candidates secretly receiving answers from external helpers or using stand-ins to take their place during job interviews.
  • Michael Guan, CEO of Final Round argues AI in interviews isn't cheating but shows ingenuity and adaptability.
  • "If they can use AI to crush an interview, they can for sure continue using AI to become the top performer in their daily jobs," says Guan.

Paul J Daly: 0:03

All right, it's Thursday. It's Thursday already. Is it Thursday? It is Thursday. Everybody's not a Yeah, me testicle under 50%. market share. We don't know what to do with our lives apparently. I don't know. I don't know what day it is. Do my kids being gone this week, my three older kids has totally messed up trashed my whole life, in unexpected ways.

Kyle Mountsier: 0:27

Well, last week, I was off on Monday. And that was and then off on Thursday. So I'm still basically on Monday, a week and a half ago, I still haven't figured out how

Paul J Daly: 0:37

to get to 30 in a weird couple of weeks when it comes to just what day isn't who's who's not working? What platforms? What platforms down?

Unknown: 0:46

Who's got power?

Paul J Daly: 0:47

Who doesn't have five? Oh, my

Kyle Mountsier: 0:48

goodness, that too. I was. Literally, I'm talking to a dealer yesterday. I've been I've been very grateful to talk to you and I have been on phone with a ton of dealers. And we've been learning, right? Yesterday. I'm talking to a dealer. They went through they're not in Texas, but they they went through CDK any leads and roadster that all three, right? So they went through that. And then they went through a local power outage. And then then as of Tuesday, they're going through an IT network issue that has all of their emails down for the last two days. They're like, they were all looking at me like

Paul J Daly: 1:30

oh, man,

Kyle Mountsier: 1:31

well part of the country. The Carolinas.

Paul J Daly: 1:34

Oh my gosh, that that is hideous. That is hideous. Yesterday got sporty around here we were Nathan and I were messaging Kyle, because we got tornado warning in the morning and we don't get tornado warning like Yeah, and he's like, no, no, no, because like when one has a tornado watch, then we start paying attention. So I sent him a screenshot of like tornado watch. He's like, Okay, you're in it. We pull up the radar, cause like given us the play by plays. Okay, this if you're in the red, you're good, because that's just rain. It's these little areas right here. I was like, Oh, like this one right near my house. I have a question to ask you.

Kyle Mountsier: 2:08

Any tornadoes touched down? No.

Paul J Daly: 2:11

Just, you know, I have a question for you, though. I live right next to like a, like a valley. Like there's a drop off? Like, I don't know, probably like a 200 foot right down slope. Is that a better place to be during a tornado? I was thinking like being near Hills is probably insulates you a little bit more, because it can't get the thing.

Kyle Mountsier: 2:29

Yeah, being on the top of the hill, though. That's the problem. The valley is a little bit more safe, because it's got to drop into that valley. And I mean, I'm right on the edge.

Paul J Daly: 2:37

Yeah. Okay. Just I know you didn't come here for this part of the show. Come here for this. No. All right, everybody. I know. I know. We got it. We're gonna we just posted did it go on today's email all the places we're gonna be, are you?

Kyle Mountsier: 2:54

Yeah. So and I was like, Oh, we're gonna this must be through the end of the year. And I looked in like the last one was September Yeah.

Paul J Daly: 3:01

We're doing we're going to be a lot of places. So if you don't have our daily email, check it out. ASOTU.com just get on the email. We're going to be a lot of places. We hope you can join us and we can spend some time together. Everywhere from I don't know, I feel like from the mountains to the valleys, like literally East Coast, West Coast, overseas. Cirillo, California,

Kyle Mountsier: 3:22

northeast, like we will literally be spanning the entire United States over the course of two and a half months round with

Paul J Daly: 3:30

our favorite people spending time in person with dealers with industry partners. I mean, like that's how we learned how you build relationships, how you encourage each other, the left people more like cars and all that stuff. But we should probably talk about some news. Now that we are three minutes and 43 seconds into the show. Tesla's dominance in the US Evie market might be slipping as they've dropped below 50% market share as competitors are gaining ground even as overall Evie sales continue to rise Cox automotive q2 report came out yesterday showed the Tesla's market share dropped four to 49.7% down from 59.3 That's a big drop in one year. I mean, a few years ago, they were like 70% This marks first time they fall below 50 Since the Model S launched in 2012. At the start Oh, here it is it started a decade they were 76%. So that's that's only four years ago. Now. You know, obviously GM Ford Hyundai Kia closing the gap. And what they're actually doing is just expanding the market more people buying EVs adoptions. 11.3% Electric nationwide. 330,000 units are out there. That doesn't sound right. Oh, yeah. New cars only is that so right now? That's right. 11.3. Yeah, only for the year. All right. No, really halfway through the year. It's only Thursday. EVS accounted for 8% of all vehicle sales last quarter up from 7.2% in 2023. Despite the market share, drop Tesla's stock rose 1% Falling for Tesla and a car company while they're still selling more cars They are selling more cars there. You

Kyle Mountsier: 5:01

know what I mean? They're gonna be doing just fine. Yeah, there's just more market share to be had in the Evie. spectrum. So this is the in our daily email today. He also noted and I think that you know, I'm I'm still holding out for you got Toyota out here in q2, but like 63% on hybrid and electric models Solji percent increase in plug in electric car sales and 300% in all electric car sales. Guys, they're coming for it. I'm just calling it,

Paul J Daly: 5:38

they've always been always been, you know, it's I guess you'd think about it in the Tesla, the part of the story, it's much better to have a smaller piece of a much bigger pie, for sure. And that's kind of why the stock is probably 1% Yeah, there are gonna be fun. Maybe, I don't know. I think they're gonna be fine, but you never know what they're gonna be fine as a car company or robotics company AI company. Who knows? I don't know follow Elon Musk's Twitter for updates. Speaking of updates, segway, so somebody filed a patent pending an update and that really is more and more consumers are using pickups as their daily drivers I've always wanted one never did it. Rahm was revising or reviving the concept of get this a third row seat in a pickup truck, reminiscent of the old foldout seats and station wagons. I remember those very, very well. substation wagons they face back, the truck doesn't do that. Looking to add some versatility to the usage of modern truck. And so RAM is the one who did it filed a patent for the third row seat, you can check the link in the show notes. You can see the little diagram little patent diagram. Basically the rear wall of the truck. Here's how it works. You have your regular four seat you have your row second seats, you know usually have that little space behind the second row. Well, that space is bigger. And then there's two fold out seats. That makes sense. You fold them down just like you're on an airplane. Well, two year olds. Yeah. I mean, have you ever seen the third row of a model? Why?

Kyle Mountsier: 7:07

Yeah, that's not I know the

Paul J Daly: 7:09

third row right and you barely fit little legs in the gap in there

Kyle Mountsier: 7:13

between the up in your chin like this guy right there. Yeah, yeah.

Paul J Daly: 7:16

I mean, the concept was first shown at the ram in the RAM revolution truck, Evie at CES last year. You know, one reviewer said, Is this necessary? And they said maybe not. But why not add more seating options. Here's a note from our producer Nathan. I like this producers note this is good. They had a Ford Ranger growing up with two jumpsuits in the cab that each other. That's right, the facing each other one that's like, that is like you know, imagine if you're in, you're in a little squabble with your sibling, you gotta look at each other. And

Kyle Mountsier: 7:49

you're just kicking each other like crazy. Oh, it's bad. Or when

Paul J Daly: 7:53

you're on a flight and you gotta stare at the flight attendant because they're like, right? In front of you

Kyle Mountsier: 7:58

never know what to do. You're like kind of looking around the entire time

Paul J Daly: 8:01

they know exactly what to do. Because they can care less. There. They're not there staring at your eyes, but they're gone.

Kyle Mountsier: 8:08

It completely got I you know, this, this is an interesting one to me. I mean, it feels kind of like the old, you know, house has a spare closet, make it a bedroom and sell it for more, you know. So I don't know how they're gonna get get out of this one. But, you know, kudos to Rahm for trying something well,

Paul J Daly: 8:28

actually. So I have a different a different take on it. Because one of the reasons I've never pulled the trigger on a pickup truck is because I can't sit here my family and Yeah, and so now if there are even if they're small seats, we would never use it like my I drive a Land Cruiser right now. And we hardly it's kind of pretty comfortable. Third row, but we hardly ever use my car for the family. But when we do, it's usually around town. Right? We're going here going there. Yeah, I'll tell you what, if they pull this one out, I would definitely be a lot more likely to buy a pickup truck. And the back wall. They they've arranged it if you're looking at a little more so that you can actually fold down part of the back wall. And you can fit and you can like slide sheet rock in you can slide so I liked the idea. We'll see how the execution goes. Yeah, speaking of execution, that's That's exactly right. This one is going to change the industry if

Kyle Mountsier: 9:19

you're one of those people that thinks using AI on a school test is cheating. What do you think about a job interview so final round AI has introduced tools to help job seekers aced their interviews using a AI sparking a debate about the ethics and future of AI and recruitment. The company final round AI offers resume builders cover letter services mock interview tools. Their copilot app listens in on interviews and feeds candidates answers in real time like upload all the things about you feed you back answers. The this type of proxy interview is becoming a lot more popular and involves candidates seek currently receiving answers from external helpers, or using standards to take their place during job interviews. That's crazy. Wild. Michael Guan, the CEO of Final Round argues that AI in interviews isn't cheating, but shows ingenuity and adaptability can hear that? Yeah. If they can use AI to crush an interviewer, they can for sure use AI to become the top performer in their daily jobs. I see a valid point a little bit

Paul J Daly: 10:27

depends on what the job is. Yeah, sure. I mean, I think it's fun. There's some examples out there funny where people are literally lip syncing while someone else is taking, delivering the answers. I think you could, you could, as an interviewer, as you get savvy, you could trip people up with basic simple questions, write about their resume that they already submitted, maybe that they'd never even read because it got written with AI. However, I think this technology, although you know, like people will be smart about how to use this in interviews and get jobs and then, you know, you'll eventually find out if they got what it takes or not, unfortunately, though, it's real. Because there, there's no shortage of people who can interview well, and then when they show up for the job, you realize you got a whole different thing. However, I think this technology in general, is going to revolutionize BDC operations over the next you know, three years. Because if you think there's something that can be listening to a conversation, and real time teleprompter wise, feed you back what you should be saying, even if it's on a video call, but especially on a phone conversation, I think you could absolutely make the BDC experience call center experience incredibly more efficient and on brand. Head and shoulders. So I'm excited about this technology.

Kyle Mountsier: 11:43

Yeah, it's like anytime anything real time feedback is just going to enable employees to be like, think about we you know, we've talked a lot about like uploading your entire brand playbook and all the questions into a thing that could potentially give feedback to a BDC rep in real time when questions are coming in like a co pilot sense so that they don't have to go Hold on let me check right yeah, that's that's that's the well

Paul J Daly: 12:07

the next the next step is right. Just the voice that when the when when the human voice automation catches up to be real technology, right and then then we're going to have you know, then I'll have my personal assistant that sounds like me, I'll have my ai ai call their AI and they can work out the details. I'll just get a little I'll just get a little notification on my phone is like approve yes or no? Right like the final decision. Yes, approve or deny Oh, boy.

Kyle Mountsier: 12:38

Right. I mean, all alongside Microsoft and Apple stepping down from open AIS board. So that's what they i They both do that they both did it yesterday. Yep.

Paul J Daly: 12:51

Whoa, okay. That was a little bonus. little bonus. I don't know we're just today's like the future is podcasts. We'll just call it that today. Hey, all the technology is spinning. The same thing is happening though in your stores. People are walking in there working there, the buying cars serve them

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