In an unexpected twist, Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk, announced plans to advertise Teslas despite his well stated disdain for advertising. Pressure to boost investor confidence amidst a challenging economic climate and increased competition in the electric vehicle market
- In 2019, Musk tweeted that he "hates advertising" and "We use that money to make the product great."
- "So I guess I should say advertising is awesome, and everyone should do it," Musk said at Tesla's annual shareholder meeting in Austin, Texas. "We will try out a little advertising and see how it goes."
In release notes targeting better accessibility, Apple includes a feature set that will allow an iPhone to clone a user’s voice after about 15 minutes of prompt reading.
- The feature is meant to give those who have lost their ability to speak to type into a phone and have the onboard Live Speech to mimic their voice.
- Additionally, Apple is releasing features to enhance accessibility for users by creating less vibrant experiences with simpler UI and cleaner color palettes.
- “Accessibility is part of everything we do at Apple,” Sarah Herrlinger, Apple’s senior director of global accessibility policy and initiatives, said in a statement. “These groundbreaking features were designed with feedback from members of disability communities every step of the way, to support a diverse set of users and help people connect in new ways.”