Out Of Town Experts with Danny Zaslavsky

August 10, 2022
Danny Zaslavsky, the DP/GM and Country Hills Motors and Founder at VinCue joins to share his unique vantage point about how efficient inventory management systems can lead to an elevated customer experience.
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It may not be sexy, but it has a lot of heart.

One might say that inventory management and how we procure, merchandise, and make inventory accessible to the consumer is what keeps the heart of today’s digital dealership beating.

Danny Zaslavsky, the DP/GM and Country Hills Motors and Founder at VinCue joins to share his unique vantage point about how efficient inventory management systems can lead to an elevated customer experience.

What we cover in this episode:

2:18 Danny shares the origin story about how his software company, VinCue, got started. Looking back it seems like a logical progression of meeting the right people at the right time, but Danny admits that you never quite know what life is preparing you for in the micro moments of the journey.

6:10 After immigrating from the Ukraine to The United States, Danny’s father opened a shoe repair business down the street from what would soon be their family’s dealership. A pioneer in his own right, and with an immigrant entrepreneur’s spirit, Danny shares that his dad found innovated ways to procure inventory for the store that was years ahead of their competitors.

14:33 Kyle points out that in order to solve inventory management problems requires several different handshakes to work effectively. Often dealers are utilizing several platforms in order to accomplish their inventory management and merchandising. Danny explains a little about how VinCue is solving real inventory related problems for car dealers. With a nod to industry pioneers, such as Dale Pollak, Danny explains that he is seeking to take inventory management to a whole new level.

20:04 Danny’s experience as a dealership owner as well as technology vendor allows him to see both sides of the industry from a unique perspective. The one consistent element is that we are trying to create an improved customer experience. When it comes to the auto industry there are many factors that contribute to a heightened CX, but they are sold as separated things, like websites and digital retailing tools, as an example.

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Kyle Mountsier, Paul, Paul Daly, Danny Zaslavsky, Michael Cirillo

Michael Cirillo  00:00

Have you guys noticed that we do a triplet mmhmm


This is Auto Collabs

Michael Cirillo  00:13

are like a triplet Mmm, so like, they'll they'll drop a power bomb. And one of one of us kicks it off. It's like, mm mmm mmm. huh I've noticed that but now we'll be listening for I

Kyle Mountsier  00:26

need to do is we need to make like a segment about that where we like.

Michael Cirillo  00:31

Also the problem is I caught us doing it about halfway through. And then because it's such a natural instinct, I mean that like we're they're literally dropping, you know, knowledge and wisdom. And and then you're like, No, no. I caught myself guys. I almost swallowed my own tongue. Like I almost choked. I had to quickly hit the mute button. Hmm. And I was like,

Paul Daly  00:55

we just thought you had a word pepperoni pizza. I think there's probably no better intro to this episode than that whole thing when you started with. I don't know if you notice. But the reality is, is this interview that we just did with Danny Zaslavsky. For VinCue and Country Hill Motors, he splits his time between Yes, dealer world and vendor world. He was full of insights, my desk is just full of notes. Because that's just the way the conversation was when you're around people that are thoughtful, and our hands in the dirt. I just the knowledge starts coming out from experience. Danny

Kyle Mountsier  01:35

is this kind of guy that I'll never forget, he had me on one of their like VinCue webinar podcasts. And he he is willing to essentially recognize that, who he's in the room with is the most important thing that goes that's going on right there. Right, right. And I would expect that he's that way with his businesses and with the people that he's around. But he was willing, on on a podcast that like a couple of 100 people were sitting on this webinar watching, he was willing to literally just speak directly to me in this very caring, and intentional way. And I've noticed that in the way that he approaches and even like the staff at VinCue that I've met, and I'm sure the staff at that, like all of his staff kind of exudes and, you know, we'll we'll kind of hear a little bit in this interview a portion of that and the way he purchased approaches, even other vendors across the industry. And so it's just it's, it's a very intentional way. And whether you are a partner with their product are not paying attention to how he approaches the industry, how he approaches dealers and approaches, other partners and even just his staff and team. I think we would just do a we would all do well to to take heed to that. I think he's a servant of our industry.

Paul  02:58

Yeah, we're excited for you to hear that in this interview with Danny Zaslavsky.

Kyle Mountsier  03:10

All right, we are hanging out with Danny here of Country Hill Votors as well as Dealer Cue VinCue it's a lot of different things that he's doing. And we're really excited to have a conversation just about the industry and the way that you're a part of it. So thanks for joining us, Danny.

Danny Zaslavsky  03:30

What's up guys?

Kyle Mountsier  03:31

All right, I got to clear the air real, real talk. The first thing that I said as I started off with real talk, real talk. I was like Danny and I was about to say your last name and I was like I've said your last name 15 different ways to 10 different people. So what I'm going to start with is clear in the air on saying your last name because you've said it to me even in a voice message before

Paul Daly  03:53

and I still can I get a whirl I got that like whoa.

Danny Zaslavsky  03:57

Can I try? Can I try a common spelling guys? Let's go.

Paul Daly  04:01

Yes. Zaslavsky Zaslavsky? No.

Kyle Mountsier  04:03

Zaslavsky says

Danny Zaslavsky  04:06

Kyle for the win. Yes.

Paul  04:08

I just set him up. I knew I was wrong. Cirilo still like is that a Z? Or

Michael Cirillo  04:18

Zed in Canada Danny Zeds a Lavsky via silent.

Kyle Mountsier  04:26

Danny I got it. I got to start by asking because a lot of people now know you as VinCue Right? VinCue's kind of taken this you know, this role in automotive kind of redefined the inventory management system and how you bring data together. And now you've got even just, I mean, we're going to talk about this but you've got even more dashboards and more touch points across across inventory management and websites and all that but you know, I don't think a lot of people really know the legacy of where you came from. And I I'm privy to a little bit of your origin story. We're in automotive, but take us back just real quickly to how you got an automotive and what that foray in the retail side of the business looked like. And still is.

Danny Zaslavsky  05:11

Not, let's say life, you never know what life is preparing you for. Yeah. So early when I was 19 18, I was working at the car dealership at that time, I was selling cars and just got into marketing. And I met a guy named Matt, who my dad met at Sears and sold us our first computer. And he came to the dealership and installed their first computers. We paid him on the side to figure it out, and then gave us also some code because we wanted to write some

Kyle Mountsier  05:43

pause for all the young uns out there, here's

Paul Daly  05:49

like you said, Sears.

Kyle Mountsier  05:54

Sears for all the young uns that's a department store that used to be attached to these thing called malls. I know rarely people go to catalog, things people wanted, and some of those things were computers. So that's what for the context for the young people. That's what Danny's getting that.

Paul Daly  06:13

You know, in Syracuse, New York, there are literally houses standing that were ordered from Sears catalogs. Wow. No kidding. Really? Yes. Where you could buy a house from Sears.

Danny Zaslavsky  06:23

My dad freaking loved that place. Oh, love that place. They just took the building down like four months ago. I swear to God on Metcalf. I know exactly where it is. Because that's like, quite frankly, Sears was like my entry into the car business. And you'll figure out why in a second. But

Kyle Mountsier  06:39

now, I've cleared the air. You keep going. That

Paul Daly  06:43

was a valid segue, though, Kyle.

Danny Zaslavsky  06:46

Agree. So a guy worked there. I told you named Matt came and stole the first computer. He figured out that we couldn't do what now is called syndication. And the guy's name was Matt Watson. He's the guy who was the founder, CTO of VinSolutions, then Stickers at the time, and him and I struck a friendship. And he started building the company down down the street from me, I watched him like I'd go visit him and see like, watching his business group grow. And I remember thinking, shit, I should like ask him like, maybe he'll hire me, maybe I should go work with them. And I never did. Because I remember thinking I have more work to do. Like, I've always had a little bit of impostor syndrome where I had to master something before I could feel comfortable taking it to the next level. And at some point, Matt's career just took off, and we remained friends. But then about like six years ago, I met him and I've kept in contact, and I was ready to start a software company. And I called him up and I said, I feel like the world saying it's time for you, you and I to do something. And he's the one who introduced me to Chris Hoch, who is my business partner today and and from that VinCue has been born. And so Matt, still my friend lives down the street, and certainly a lot more cool stuff in between there. But it was born from a problem. I mean, at the car dealership, we were using like six different systems to solve the same problem. And all my people were running in different directions, like using this app or using that system or talking this language because they're using that software. And it all boiled down to the information about a car. And it's like, What the heck are we looking at in the screen that's driving our behavior to go do something whether to make a purchase or make a sale, or to justify some behavior. And it was really critical back then, I think more so now. That like, we pointed all the arrows in the same direction of the company. But back then all the arrows were pointed all these different directions, even though the company was trying to go this way. So that's why VinCue exists.

Paul Daly  09:04

So tell I don't know that this story. Tell me about like your history in the car business. Is it a family business?

Danny Zaslavsky  09:11

Yeah, so my parents are from Ukraine. So Zaslavsky Zelinsky. I'm not comparing.

Paul Daly  09:18

I'm just saying. Just an observation,

Danny Zaslavsky  09:23

it's an observation. I could never that guy's way more courageous. So my parents came over from Ukraine in 79, my dad started a shoe repair business and it happened to be down the street. What was Country Home Motors at the time with three cars on the lot and a small part of a building and my dad walked walked up the street one day and there was this dude there named Josh, who's the guy who lives in our photos and, and said, he ended up buying a car from him and then said, Hey, can I come work with you? Because my dad loves cars. And you know, being an immigrant, he had that entrepreneurial spirit and what my dad for some reason was called to, at the time was to figure out how to buy the right cars at the right places. So he was thinking, like, what can I do that's innovative to go buy the right cars. And so he, he had an idea to buy, like three or four of those Nextel phones, pass them out to New Car Dealers said, hey, when you're been trading for a car, page, me, I'll tell you what the heck it's worth. And then I'll come buy it. And not only am I gonna buy it, I'm gonna buy the good, bad and the ugly all of it. And so my dad would literally like brawl fight to get in and push wholesalers out of the way, so he could buy the right cars. Until eventually he like conquered Kansas City. And he was like, I need more. So then he went to Harley stores figured out that they trade for cars and Camping World, and they trade for cars. And so we solve procurement differently. Because we just were hungry for it. And in the meantime, he's calling me, you know, every day like, Have you sold anything, the result. So I'm at the dealership growing up, we didn't have a manager, it was just me and four other guys selling cars. And the way he was buying cars gave us the ability to have actually a niche in the market. Because we were finding cars that we could sell in the three to $12,000 price range when we first started and we were a cash lot. Like we're not talking about Buy Here Pay Here or subprime news. So this was cash. And so what we figured out was like, if you can give a consumer a 30,000, or $40,000 experience, when they buy a five or $6,000 car, then you want them for life, because they don't have three other cars in the driveway, that are sitting there and that they can count on. So you got to make them feel safe and the decision and the promise and in the in the experience. And we also figured out that like most people didn't like to shop, they just wanted to get it done. So they can start experiencing all the things that they were thinking about in why they decided to buy the car. So

Paul Daly  11:48

yeah, so you're kind of still figuring out the best way to buy a car? For sure. All the way back to the beginning, everyone wants to jump in. No,

Michael Cirillo  12:00

I gotta ask though, do you do you find I have trouble articulating this to some people in my circles. My parents are from Europe. My father's Italian, my mother's from Portugal, do you find the European entrepreneur grit is at a different level than like, like, for example, we've glamorized kind of hustle culture, what we call it here in North America. But to a European immigrant, we call that Tuesday. You know what I mean? Like, it's just nature did you find that growing up like you're I'm hearing you talk about your father's creativity, resourcefulness and procurement do you find like, that's something unique that's passed on to you that you've observed from them. The rules are different.

Danny Zaslavsky  12:45

When you're in Ukraine, somebody throws a brick through your window. You don't call your insurance company, you replace the window. I mean, the rules are different. So you don't get the same security blanket that you do here in the States. And, and unconsciously, we just kind of know the boundaries, because we grew up in the boundaries are very different. When you grow up, in a, in a different country, depending on the country you come from, right? And depending on whether you had money or not, when you're growing up, my parents were super, super poor. So the so when you get here and you see all this opportunity, then it's like, overload, right? And then you're like, What am I going to grab on to? And what you grab onto is really important because you immigrants come in waves. And we've got plenty of people who grabbed on to the wrong thing. And we got people who grabbed on to the right thing, and made the best of it. And I think it's a little bit of life. But yeah, I think the way you grew up and where you grew up is determines how much grit you have. There was a quote that Elon Musk said that I freaking love. Somebody asked them, they said, will your kids be as successful as you? And he said, Only if they struggle as much as I've struggled. And I was like, okay, and as a dad of almost nine year old twin boys, I think about that a lot. So

Michael Cirillo  14:18

I find that really interesting. I mean, it is something that you know, some some refer to it as DNA but it is it's like I love how you position that but the rules are different and but it also kind of to me it's it's always been inspiring because it shows just how powerful the the human spirit is like how like when we're placed with our feet to the fire we perform so well. And you just kind of wish a lot of people could could experience that as a as a dealer owner, I want to ask just a quick follow up to that. What have you found works well to maybe instill some of that confidence, that inner belief into your people? so that they can, I guess, understand that they're more powerful probably than they give themselves credit for.

Danny Zaslavsky  15:06

So at VinCue, I have a line. And you got to understand the context of it before I say it, because it can be inferred the wrong way. But the line is run faster. Because you get to earn to work smarter, you just do. In the meantime, if you don't know how, then run faster, and they get to run faster than me. So the goal is to outrun me, because I'm in the weeds. I love what I do. I just truly love it. I love solving problems. I love learning, I love being in with people that can level me up and teach me and challenge me. It's the way I'm wired. So you surround yourself around people who can, can thrive in that kind of environment and then run faster. So, truly, you know, don't ask anybody, anything that they can't, that you wouldn't do. And just got off a call with a 26 store group that we're super excited to go onboard. And, and, and I'm the one that's going out there and taking my team and I'm on the front line. And eventually, some of my guys will run faster, and they push me out of the way and say, I got this, you just got to trust me. And I'll say, you bet. And that's what I'm asking them to do is make me obsolete.

Kyle Mountsier  16:31

That's good. That's good. You know, I you know, the the the interesting thing about a platform like yours, right that you've got, you're executing on a few different things. And if people don't know, VinCue, they should get to know it. You know, you've you've recently added these websites, and then scorecards, but you know, the core of your technology is this inventory management system that's bolstered by, that's bolstered by a vehicle acquisition system, and then you've kind of built out since then recognizing needs, and what I what I think that's interesting, there's some technologies in automotive that can live in somewhat of a silo, right. But by their nature, they only have to connect to one or two things. But an inventory management system, it requires a unique level of connectivity of connected data of understanding other relationships and partners, in order to equip dealers to do what they need to do, I'd love to hear a little bit about like your journey in connecting a lot of those points. Because I think that's a journey that Paul was saying on a call we had earlier today that it's a journey that more and more people in automotive are starting to take, the more and more people are going, Okay, I recognize that I need all of these hands, shaking in agreement to make what I need to do work. But there's a unique, you know, your your, your type of platform is unique in that you literally can't start unless you start that way. So walk us on that journey a little bit about bringing together these partners creating these connections, so that you can serve dealers better, and not just creating one siloed, you know, ecosystem.

Danny Zaslavsky  18:20

We didn't get into a very easy business. So when I was growing up, you know, there was a couple of platforms that you can live in, you live in your CRM, you live in your DMS, and you live in your system where you price your car. And as technology has evolved, like, you know, the auto, for example, has done incredible things over the last 15 20 years, I mean, carved out psychology and methodology that has really helped the automotive industry in really big ways. What that taught me is, you really spend your day your decision points are where you do pricing. It's where you make acquisition decisions, and that's where you make selling decisions. And there's so many variables to that, or disposition and channels and sources and you can get well into the weeds. But that trigger sets the motion of everybody in your organization, your salespeople, your sales managers, your detail people, your title parks, I mean literally every body, right. So it's a really critical point. And so what we've been creating is the next evolution of what they'll start it, which is a pricing system that also is tied directly to inventory management that's tied directly to acquisition that's tied directly to merchandising that's tied directly to private party. That is tied directly to notifications on your watch cell phone or scoreboard that's tied directly to other dealers. Because that's at that point, what you have is a really strong engine in the middle, or cannon that you can point. And in with online disruptors that are coming with technology changing with different dealership models happening, what's what's going to become more and more important, are those decision points, and you got to have some muscle in that technology where those decisions are made.

Paul Daly  20:42

So when it comes to testing this and testing new ideas, and putting some of these pieces together, is your store kind of the guinea pig? Like? Probably started that way. But I'm wondering, because there's probably some separation of powers between the two now and there's like, what's the mentality when like, this new thing is kind of brought in? Do you get some eye rolls off? And it's got another great idea? Or? Or is there a culture now I've just like, Alright, let's try it.

Danny Zaslavsky  21:14

Both, you know, it's like, when you fly in anybody, they're always more intelligent than you. Like, the expert has always lived out of town, there's a little bit of great

Paul Daly  21:24

song the expert always lives out.

Danny Zaslavsky  21:26

So the, in the beginning, I mean, you got to build up the grit or the stomach to test stuff and know that it's sometimes it's not going to work. And then the reaction to that, right, you might say, well, you know, screw this thing. It's not, it's never gonna work, blah, blah, this has got to work. Why is this number not right, whatever. And when you can educate the people that are using that, then all of a sudden, it's all about one thing, control, they've got to feel like they've got input and control. And then what ends up happening is once those people start seeing their vision implemented in the technology process, then their eyes light up, and you're like, Oh, my God, I'm making a difference. And I think that's what being alive is about. So we, we wrapped that in that idea of making a difference. And that's what we're trying to do. Not all ideas are the right ideas, but having a dealership to a give real input and, and there's no shortage of it. And then also have a place to actually see if it sucks, or it doesn't is great, but we've we're lucky enough to have outgrown just my dealership. We, because I'm an independent guy. And I certainly have processes but we have a great franchise Patrick Abad, who's on the cover of digital fuel magazine. He's been compliant, we're we're stoked to work with him and others that say, Yeah, give me give me the early stuff. Let's try it. Because you better fail fast. And, and pivot while it's young, because that's important.

Paul  23:02

I think that that brings whenever we we speak with someone who bridges that gap between industry partner side and dealer side because they do have a foot legitimately in both sides. I love celebrating that and making it more known because I think it brings a certain level of credibility to what you're doing because I know that you know as an industry partner and several different ventures you know, it can be really easy to lob stuff over the fence right and start my sentences with dealers just need to write and so I think that the more industry partners there are who also are operating inside the confines and the struggles in the day in day out of the dealership world serve everyone's so much better and I just I just you know I want to give you credit for that because it's and and I also want to make sure more people know that because I think it carries with it a certain weight right out of the gate like from conversation number one

Danny Zaslavsky  24:00

David Long called that servant mentality and I heard him say that the other day and I couldn't agree with that more. It's really really smart. But that's that's what we got to keep yeah

Paul  24:13

see, I see I see body posture like questions. queuing up like

Danny Zaslavsky  24:21

Michaels. Michaels, I kid you got your first baby.

Michael Cirillo  24:27

I love that. know one thing that I thought I really loved how you you positioned here earlier. You know, coming up in the industry, this is my 22nd year in the industry. And I love this new fresh vibe that that kind of our age group our generation is bringing in which is you spoke about a competitor in the most loving way I've ever heard. You know, whereas like when I was coming up I remember you know When I first launched my company, I would straight up, go to conferences, and dudes would be like, they bleed into me. And they'd be like, I know where you live. Children you have I know, you know, and I was always like, Holy Jesus is cutthroat. I love how you kind of paid homage to a competitor, and spoke to the lessons that you learned. And then so gracefully kind of just highlighted what you believe makes your offering unique. And I think that's really important, because it feeds into the narrative of what we're hoping to accomplish here on Auto Collabs. Right. It's, it's about bringing in different points of view and understanding and showing empathy. And so I just wanted to give you kudos for that. I thought that was awesome. Yeah. Well, I

Danny Zaslavsky  25:43

mean, the it's, it's taken, we have, truly, we have the luxury of looking back over the last 20 years and seeing a lot of things happen, and have the privilege to see clearly what needs to be done now. Right? I didn't I didn't carve that trail. Someone else did. So it's a it's only because of that, that we're able to innovate today. So there's, there's no question. I don't like scarcity mentality, I think you're not you're not gonna get very far in life with it. Plus, it just sucks living with that kind of fear. So Ain't nobody got time for that.

Michael Cirillo  26:18

So the Great's sweep out of the post it note that has a heart emoji next to crush them experts.

Kyle Mountsier  26:31

i I'll ask before kind of we wrap this up, I do want to ask this question. Because you're on the dealer side, and you're on the industry partner side, and you have an innovative mentality toward technology. You know what, like, as you look over the especially the next two or three years in in the way that dealerships are operating and and interacting? What are you positioning yourself for both on the technology and the dealership side? To ensure that in two or three years, you're operating in the way that it needs to be like, What are you doing right now? That's, that's, that's positioning things to make sure that in two or three years, you're in the right position to be successful and to serve customers. Well, that maybe isn't something that you fully executed today, but you know, you're planning toward

Danny Zaslavsky  27:17

as a dealer, or as VinCue

Kyle Mountsier  27:20

talk, talk kind of through both. I'm sure they kind of lean into each other if I had to guess. Yeah,

Danny Zaslavsky  27:24

well, it's true. Because I mean, we're,

Michael Cirillo  27:27

he's like now. Yeah, really.

Kyle Mountsier  27:33

Really let them talk that's only in my brain and I segment. Right. Yeah.


Glad we all agree. So at the dealership, I think here, I'll say this, I think digital retailing, the website that the consumers shop on, and anything that anything else that feeds into what the consumer touches is one thing, and that's consumer experience. So I don't think digital retailing belongs as a separate thing. From a website. I think they're one thing right now they're sold as separate things. There's a lot of separate things being sold out there because of experts. And I think when I when I and along with my team start thinking about it more holistically, like we've done with VinCue with, you know, end to end, inventory appraisal to back to acquisition, customer experience is the next thing to group and to do it with the same filter of what exists and how can we make it better? Because I think when you couple, the back end with the front end in a way that tightens the process and operation, then you get more efficiency and scale. I don't like to run faster. I'm doing it now. But one day, I hope to work smarter. So that's what that answers the question on both sides for the dealership and for the for VinCue. The other the let the other thing is, I think if I had my way, dealers would regress a little bit in the way that they communicate with each other. Because auctions in my opinion only exists to create competence between a buyer and a seller. Period. Why the hell do we have to pay all this money for confidence? I think there's I think there needs to be a better way. So that is the journey I'm on right now.

Kyle Mountsier  29:55

Can we get a t shirt that says Why did the hell we do we pay this much money for confidence?

Paul Daly  30:00

No, I'm writing that down. Wrong, that might end up being the title of this episode.

Kyle Mountsier  30:06

That was strong. I also want to I also just want to be very clear that the first part of that statement was not a paid advertisement for ASOTU CON and solving the customer experience episode.

Paul Daly  30:21

Well, speaking of ASOTU CON, you are bringing some really, you're bringing something really cool to ASOTU CON and we are set out we were like, Let's think of this from an activation mindset. Right? No one standing at a booth picking up squishy balls and business cards. So what's the VinCue team, representing What do you bring into ASOTU CON? And what can people expect?


Well, you guys challenged us, you said, we're not doing demos, we're having experiences. So we said game on. So we, we hired a team and rented this. It's called the Titan. It's a Hollywood level. It's got 8 11K cameras on this ball. And we took it around car dealerships, we took it around VinCue. And you're gonna get to experience the software in a car dealership, in an Oculus VR style. So we're bringing that and we're excited. We It's not done yet. So wish us luck. I love it. I love the ambition. But But hey, we think it's gonna be cool.

Paul Daly  31:26

Well, Danny, I can't wait to experience this. I hope you have some footage of you walking through the dealership with this 11k surrounded ball thing that you're talking about? For sure. Yeah. Okay. Do we want to see that? You gotta ship.

Kyle Mountsier  31:39

Footage ship. Put that up. Yeah.

Paul Daly  31:42

Because that's how it should be like when people collaborate on something, they should all bring some energy and new ideas. And they should all encourage one another with what they're doing. And that's part of the game, right? You always try to level each other out. Oh, yeah. Well check this out. That's what great collaboration is about. Danny, thank you so much for spending some time with us today. I cannot wait to hang out at ASOTU CON.

Danny Zaslavsky  32:03

Thank you guys. And thanks for having us. It's gonna be fun

Paul Daly  32:18

okay, I there like many phrases written down on my desk? I'm gonna I'm gonna say one to you guys say if you wrote down anything, but I love when he brought up that thing about Elon Musk saying, you know, when someone asked him, will your kids be as successful as you? And he said, Only if they've struggled as much as I have. Obviously, Danny coming from an immigrant family understands what it is. He said very poor, grew up in Ukraine. Like, the whole thing about that was just like, fired me up in the side. Only if they struggled, like the depth of the struggle is really matches the heights of the success. So I'll give you my

Kyle Mountsier  32:54

context of that. That was perfect. Mine was the part where he said, and I mentioned it during the interview, where he said, Why the hell are we paying so much for confidence? And I was like, He's talking about auctions when he was talking about auctions, which was so good. I'd never thought of it that way. Like everybody keeps saying, you know, a lot of these online auctions and things like Car Offer are coming and saying, Hey, look, there's a better way for dealers to pass inventory between dealers. And if we communicate better, and what he what he the way he laid that in with like, you're just literally paying for confidence.

Paul  33:27

Yeah, he was like auctions only exists to create confidence between the buyer and the seller.

Kyle Mountsier  33:32

Do you know what's interesting about that on the back end, though, is that if you have to pay for confidence, it's that you lack trust? Yes.

Paul Daly  33:45

Did we get our did we get our three? In on that? Below, what do you see? What do you got to quote, you got a quote?

Michael Cirillo  33:55

What did you like? I liked his bit about how the experts always from out of town. And the thought actually was different. I mean, I feel like I've experienced that personally, where it's like, oh, he's from down the street. We don't need to pay attention to what he says yes. But But then my mind immediately shifted, and I'm like, But how often do we do that in our own business, we discredit past experience and work, you know, like just everything that could be right under our noses. I mean, I think the two of you even had an experience with this where you found somebody that was so talented, who had discredited their own, you know, media abilities and things of that nature. And it was they didn't even know they could make a living doing it. And you were able to help shift their perspective. And I wonder how often is the expert rate inside of our business, and they don't know it, and I don't know it and I'm expecting that at some, you know, subject matter expert from out of town.

Paul  34:51

I mean, I was just literally thinking of when I tell my kids something and then somebody else tells it to them and it's the most genius thing like that for 30 years, while

Michael Cirillo  35:01

not 30 years, so I realized in this interview how incredibly immature I am, because just realize this. Yeah, I know. The

Paul Daly  35:13

years on when you entered the Zoom Call Michael. He's laughing because I Brian,

Michael Cirillo  35:18

Georgia. I'm excited to see how this this VR dealership thing plays out at ASOTU CON. Because my mind legitimately immediately went to walking into this Titan thing and just seeing people sitting everywhere and wondering, why are they sitting everywhere. So we put on the Oculus to find out they're all sitting either in a service lounge or in the bathroom. They're like, the VR bat. I'm like, oh, that's where they're supposed to hang out for 45 minutes. as well.

Kyle Mountsier  35:56

Thank you on behalf of myself, Kyle Mountsier, Paul J. Daly and Michael Cirillo. Thanks for listening to Auto Collabs we'll see you next time.


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