Maximizing Digital Presence with Matt Bute | 2024 NADA Show

February 3, 2024
Paul J Daly sits down with Matt Bute, Vice President of Sales at Cars Commerce.
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In this engaging conversation, Paul J Daly sits down with Matt Bute, Vice President of Sales at Cars Commerce. Matt shares valuable insights on the current automotive market, emphasizing the significant rise in new car supply and the importance for dealers to effectively showcase their vehicles to the right audience. With a focus on organic traffic, Matt explains how Cars Commerce attracts 60% of its visitors through high-quality, intent-driven content, benefiting both dealers and consumers. He also discusses the record-breaking traffic year Cars Commerce experienced, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness in driving website transfers and enhancing dealer visibility. Matt’s insights provide a roadmap for dealers to navigate the digital landscape effectively, leveraging platforms like Cars Commerce to amplify their reach and connect with more potential buyers.

0:00 - Intro

0:53 - Importance of Organic Traffic for Dealers

1:57 - Building Dealers' Organic Traffic and Cars Commerce’s Role

2:41 - The Synergy of Dealers’ Efforts with Third-Party Platforms

3:30 - Behind-the-Scenes Developments at Cars Commerce

4:09 - Closing Remarks and Matt’s Vision for the Future at Cars Commerce

Matt Bute is the Vice President of Sales for Cars Commerce

This interview was brought to you by Cars Commerce:

Paul J Daly: 0:06

All right we are here with that VP of inside sales VP right? Absolutely harsh commerce Absolutely.

Matt Bute: 0:13

Don't do it you done it don't do all the time of cars dot commerce but just cars commerce and don't actually realize. Well, thank

Paul J Daly: 0:20

you so much for joining me what NADA is this for you?

Matt Bute: 0:24

Oh a lot. I mean, I'm looking in the mirror and I'm, I will tell you what though every time I come here I learned something new. You get to meet great people. But it's it's been a lot of them the gray hairs are starting to show it's

Paul J Daly: 0:33

been 18 of them. Yes, you started when at 180 years

Matt Bute: 0:38

old. As a baby, I came crawling into NADA. Absolutely.

Paul J Daly: 0:41

So we're talking a lot about what dealers should know about your particular area of expertise. What are you seeing out there? And what are the insights you have that we can translate to dealers? So they get this in their head as they execute their? Oh, absolutely.

Matt Bute: 0:53

Yeah. Look, we're seeing that New Days, New New Car supplies 45% on our sites. And so from a dealer standpoint, you know, we got to make certain that they are getting their vehicles in front of the right audience. And, of course, I've always, right, I mean, hello. And we've done an amazing job in our organic traffic, which is very important for dealers, you know, there's organic, and there's paid for our site. 60% of our traffic is organic. And that's it's a leading in our life. Why is it organic? Like? Okay, that understanding. So for example, we have people that are coming directly to our sitemap through SEM, not through SEO, they're coming through it through the amazing content that we put out to just talk with Jenny. Oh, Jenny is fantastic. Your team is phenomenal. The research they do on cars, the American made index all of it. Yeah. And we feed that out there. Because we make certain that we are a two sided marketplace right there. We're there for our dealers and OEMs, who we really want to be there for our consumers to make sure that it's a great experience for them. So we're making certain that we're feeding out as much content as we can. And that brings them our way. It's a big deal. Okay, so

Paul J Daly: 1:57

So the traffic you're getting is organic, meaning intent is very high. They were intending to get where they went, is can dealers, do this build organic traffic to their sites as well? Yes,

Matt Bute: 2:08

they can. Yes, they can. And we ended it's important for them to do that. But at the end of the day, they can come to cars, commerce, because we have a massive marketplace across the country, right. 26 million a month. Yeah. Hey, quick breaking news. I don't know if it's breaking, I might have told people a little bit early to NADA. Last year, we set some records last year was the biggest traffic year that we've had. And I mean, we're 25 years old last year was the biggest year. And so if you're a dealer, we're doing that for you. We lead the industry in terms of website transfers, and bringing people back to the dealer sites as well. So we're there to help them do that for so I think

Paul J Daly: 2:41

the reality is, it's not an either or. Correct, right? Because dealers can do hours on their own. But without a doubt, you will never have access to like the broad scope that you can provide or that a third party can provide because you that's all you do is aggregate this organic attention it is and try to place it where the intent was initially

Matt Bute: 3:01

100% 100% of the size of the marketplace that we have, the number of vehicles that we have, it is a truly a great consumer experience. And so if you're a dealer, why wouldn't you want your inventory in front of that? Right? And so it's what we pride ourselves on. And like I said, we just keep getting better. I mean, last year, the work that was done to get to where we are today it's fantastic. I cannot wait to see what the future holds right

Paul J Daly: 3:24

what what things are going on behind closed That you're not allowed to tell us that you're going to tell us right now

Matt Bute: 3:30

are people and there's a lot of people are gonna see that, you know, we we continue to make certain that the cars commerce messaging is out there, that all of our products are working in sync right? If you need help buying inventory and need help having an appraisal tool, we're here Accu trains here you know we have dealer inspire best in class websites they perform so well. And then we want to make certain that everything that we have works together for customers and we want to make it simple for them. Selling cars is complicated, and we're doing our darndest to make certain that it's not anymore. I didn't swear there see that? I said Darren do

Paul J Daly: 4:02

our darndest Matt is so good to spend a few minutes just investing your energy. Oh,

Matt Bute: 4:09

I love you guys man. It's always been a long been a longtime fan and always will be saying go put the Elvis costume back on Elvis. Elvis is back in the building folks. Thanks

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