Show Notes with links:
A recent KPMG study reveals that Americans still favor gas vehicles over hybrids or EVs, even when prices and features are the same.
Democratic senator Jeff Merkley has been very vocal in his criticism of the progress of a $5-billion U.S. government program to deploy EV-charging stations which has only seven EV-charging stations operating under the program that was initiated back in 2021.
Michigan Central Station's six-year makeover concluded with an all-Detroit concert produced by Eminem, drawing thousands to the historic venue.
Paul J Daly: 0:18
I thought I had that button. Good morning, Friday, June 8, heading in to I think it's gonna be another beautiful and solid weekend. Today we're talking about consumer preferences for gas over electric, a program that went wrong on chargers, and Detroit was rocking last night. We're gonna talk about that as well
Kyle Mountsier: 0:37
Detroit in a way that only Detroit Can you do
Paul J Daly: 0:40
it in Detroit? Detroit did Detroit in a way only Detroit can do Detroit. That's right, that's pretty much how we're talking about Yeah, I can't wait. We'll say that once. And
Kyle Mountsier: 0:48
you just said that, and everybody knows exactly what you mean. That's what
Paul J Daly: 0:53
I think it's funny. I think you could probably use that in just about every city, like you could easily say Nashville did Nashville in a way only Nashville can do Nashville? Yeah? Philly, Philly, in a way, only Philly, yeah.
Kyle Mountsier: 1:07
I mean, Richmond, Virginia, you probably nobody knows,
Paul J Daly: 1:10
right? Well, it's a much smaller group of people who understand what that actually means, right? When we say Detroit, Nashville, Philly, everyone's like, yeah, I can already assume
Unknown: 1:18
la did la in no way that only la can do it. You're like, the great part
Paul J Daly: 1:22
about that, it's all like, the things that are all exaggerations, right? Like, like, LA, the sun rises are bigger. No? The jeans are skinnier in Nashville. Well, they're not skinny anymore. The jeans in Nashville are not skinny. They've moved on. They're baggy now. Yeah, they
Kyle Mountsier: 1:39
are. They went back to 1993 in Nashville,
Unknown: 1:44
just as I was very used your world. Oh, man,
Paul J Daly: 1:47
we're over here having a great day. Uh, we're definitely having a great time. We had a super great time releasing all the asotu con sessions yesterday. Are they all out? All these soda con sessions? No, no, we're just dripping them out
Kyle Mountsier: 1:59
few time, and they are favorites, basically. And it's my favorite. It's always my favorite every single time.
Paul J Daly: 2:09
The format is short podcast that we did on a live stage at a soda con in the middle of the trade show floor. So it was buzzing and humming the whole time. They're like, 12 to 15 ish minutes. And we have a variety of hosts, a variety of guests, and the conversations are fun and pointed and fast, right? So you can download a sodu con sessions. You can watch them on YouTube. You can download them on Spotify or Apple music, play them on 1.5 speed, and they're done in like nine minutes. And so you can just zip through them. We have one person, one price, One Hour with Jim Cullen and the $7 latte experience with Katie mares. Both of those were some of the first sessions on that stage. I got a mod to moderate some of those, and boy, they were so much fun as always. And I didn't know this, but Jim, they licensed one person, one price, one hour from shop, from shop, yes, yeah, I didn't. I didn't know that was licensable, copyrighted,
Kyle Mountsier: 3:05
that in like, 2011 or something, or 2013 and then just licenses it to a whole bunch of people. I'll tell
Paul J Daly: 3:11
you what. I've never seen a play like that, but it's freaking awesome,
Kyle Mountsier: 3:15
genius. Oh,
Paul J Daly: 3:16
so yeah, we hope you go and check those out. Learn a little bit there. That's great weekend listening, by the way, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, avoiding the mother in law. I'm just putting that out there. Just kidding. I'm just kidding. I can't, I can't I love my mother in law. Actually, she's one of the people I'd be like, she could actually move in, and that'd be awesome. Everybody would be happy with that. All right, let's get into some news before we get to sideways, a recent KPMG study reveals that Americans still favor gas vehicles over hybrids or EVs, even when prices and features are the same, only 20% of respondents would say that they would pick choose an EV over a gas or a hybrid vehicle. 60% of US consumers want EV charging times of 20 minutes or less, while 41% of auto executives think longer times are acceptable. So there's a bit of a gap between what people say they're willing to tolerate and what execs say they should be able to tolerate. Consumers prioritizing safety, Wi Fi and charging locators over self driving features another thing like, I don't want it to drive itself. I just want Wi Fi. I want to be safe. I'm gonna be able to charge this thing. The preference for gas vehicle obviously hanging on, persisting due to global push in the despite the global push for EV adoption, causing all the automakers, like Ford, GM, Mercedes, to rethink their strategies. We got that part. KPMG, yeah,
Unknown: 4:35
yeah, we already know that. We knew that a couple minutes. Thanks for letting us know.
Kyle Mountsier: 4:41
Here's what I think is, is really interesting about this early on. I mean, even three, four years ago, not that early ago, you had basically a situation where, if you wanted this extremely new tech, right, large screens, touch everything a. All of the newest stuff was only in EVs. That's the only way you could get that type of innovation. But now that's being brought back into every vehicle line. So, oh, easy, you know. So when you think about same price, same features, that's actually possible now and when people are still having concern over charging networks and how they're going to get back and forth to places, and not everybody can afford the, you know, the 600 mile thing, you know, you got to go with the 150 mile thing, that it becomes a great equalizer, because technology is not really available in all these I was looking at a vehicle the other day, and it was like, Wi Fi charging, Wi Fi every like, everything you know, Bluetooth charging, all of the stuff was just like connected car fully and so you don't have to go to the net newest technology there absolutely get that in a gas vehicle. That totally changes the game. I
Paul J Daly: 5:57
think I like the highlighting of the disparity between what 60% of you, US consumers, want charging time wise, versus what executives say is acceptable, 20 minutes or less, right? I just had this, the pole star experience. I understand, man, like charging that thing. You have to be able to be in and out. And it seems like the industry's pushing and making progress in that. But you know, when it's your product, you want to be like, Yeah, it's fine. It's fine. You can live with it, but you can't live with it for long. When people are saying, You know what,
Kyle Mountsier: 6:27
I'm other options. I'm of this opinion where I'm like, 20 minutes, that almost sounds obscene to me.
Paul J Daly: 6:33
It feels so So, so I get it if it's like,
Kyle Mountsier: 6:37
I'm parking in my garage and I'm charging, right? But if I'm on a road trip. I just talked to someone they went on a road trip in their new EV, and it was like it extended the time of the road trip over two and a half hours, hour the number of times that they had to, yeah, it's crazy, because
Paul J Daly: 6:50
you have to stop, you have to load up, and even if you charge, you're still in 20 minutes, like you're getting to 80% Yeah, right, you're not getting to 100% there's a lot. There's a lot to learn here, a lot to take away. I think a lot of it dealers already know, and it's just good to stay in touch, right? Like, just the more information we have, the more educated we are, because a lot of people like this is EV is a great solution, and I'll say it again. They're definitely incredibly fun. I
Kyle Mountsier: 7:16
will say the onus, like, just before we move on, the onus on the salesperson, the sales manager, the person the dealership to to know the vehicle intimately, right? Not to just say like, oh, it's the newest thing. Oh, it has the newest technology. And also it's an EV and so you should buy it like the the knowledge necessary to walk a customer through the ownership experience. So that is extremely high. So just watch out for that. Yeah,
Paul J Daly: 7:45
speaking of things, watch out for segway. Gonna go from one Charging Challenge to another Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley has been very vocal, we'll say in his criticism of the progress of a $5 billion US government program to deploy EV charging stations across federal highways, which is only to date. Now, the program was initiated back in 2021 to date, we spent, you know, we got 5 billion out there working for us, and we to date, we have seven chargers. That's seven like single digit, so Senator Merkley is labeled the progress as a vast administrative failure, and is calling for corrective action, as he said, quote, This is pathetic. We're now three years into this. Oh,
Kyle Mountsier: 8:33
he's not wrong.
Paul J Daly: 8:35
No, he I mean, who's gonna argue with him? Shayla batt, head of Federal Highway Administration, acknowledges the slow progress in cite states who are dealing with multiple programs as a contributing factor, basically saying there's, there's just a lot of red tape everywhere. Merkley also criticize existing rules that prevent EV charging stations at rest stop. So apparently there's some federal rules that they're in place, and they that's part of the red tape like, Oh, we're not technically, legally, zoning wise, allowed to have them exactly where we need to put them. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm expects 1000 stations to be operational by year end. So that's pretty ambitious. We got seven Since 2021 we're going to get another 993 in six months. Basically still aiming to say our goal is still 500,000 chargers nationwide, and there are currently about 183,000 chargers nationwide. So you can do the math. I don't know which year this is supposed to be done by 2035 probably, it's
Kyle Mountsier: 9:36
my guess. Then maybe 2030 I'm looking up real quick. How many gas stations are there in the US? There's 196,000 gas stations in the US. What? When you think about that, let's like, let's just say there's eight pumps at each, right? Unless it's a buckies You're now, yeah, no, average. We'll call it average. It
Paul J Daly: 9:56
feels good. It feels good. You got a lot of ones and twos out there. In the country,
Kyle Mountsier: 10:01
yeah. So you like, you still have to get this thing, like, 3x the goal of 500,000 just to service the number of drivers in the US once. No, what would hold it up? Well,
Paul J Daly: 10:11
I mean, but there's also homes, so I get it. No, I mean, 500,000 makes a big dent. It makes a big debt, but we're a long way from that super long way, I don't know, 2026
Kyle Mountsier: 10:25
our producer just put in there aggressive. Here we go, oh, like we're gonna do another 100,000 after seven this year, and then or 1000 from seven this year, and then next year we're gonna go, Oh, wow.
Paul J Daly: 10:39
200,000 all in time, 26
Kyle Mountsier: 10:42
I'm getting it insulate. Have
Paul J Daly: 10:43
you noticed? Did you I don't know if you noticed this. Maybe this is a coincidence, but 2026 happens to be after an election.
Kyle Mountsier: 10:50
Ah, How'd They Do That? How'd They Do That? How'd
Paul J Daly: 10:54
that one slip through? I know, speaking of how they do that, how'd they move on slippery slope there.
Kyle Mountsier: 11:03
We talked about this earlier this week, and it was really exciting. If you haven't seen the photos, you're going to have to. But Michigan Central Station, six year makeover that was done by Ford, concluded last night with an all Detroit concert produced by Eminem, drawing 1000s to this historic venue, as we mentioned earlier this week, the concert included performances from Jack White, Diana, Ross, Big Sean and a few other Detroit stars and Eminem, surprising. Eminem, yeah, he's, he actually performed with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, followed by collaborations with, you know, Jelly Roll and trick trick, your favorite. Eminem ended the whole show with not afraid, as he expressed his love for Detroit. The project was a $950 million project, and we'll be hosting a whole bunch of Ford employees and some public spaces for working and, you know, just general public stuff. So, man, like you gotta if you click the link in in in the show, you can see some of the photos out front of the station and all of the the bands and everything happening last night, but epic way like kudos to Ford for drop in a serious brand play onto, yeah,
Unknown: 12:26
love it. You
Paul J Daly: 12:26
can actually think watch it this weekend. They're gonna, they're gonna play it on like NBC as, like a special so you'll be able to see it if you want. I love the brand play. Like you said, I found this out. They're actually starting today. They're offering tours of the facility all summer long. So it's another great opportunity to just get out there, be in the community, build some good brand equity and do some fun. Yeah, they're just doing it right. They're just doing it right. Maybe
Kyle Mountsier: 12:49
we'll get out there in Detroit. We got to find ourselves up there. I
Paul J Daly: 12:52
can't believe we haven't. Yeah, we absolutely have to do it. So I don't know great way to end the weekend or end the week on a Friday of programming. Talk about those things. Look you have a beautiful weekend ahead of you. Sell some cars if you're not working, relax, recharge so you can hit the ground. Work Monday, check out a soda con sessions you