In this milestone 1000th episode, Paul J Daly, Kyle Mountsier, and Michael Cirillo come together live from Syracuse, NY, to celebrate their journey from a spontaneous idea to 1,000 episodes of building community and pushing the boundaries of retail automotive. They share fun stats from the show’s history, including most-mentioned brands, topics, and personalities.
Special guest Steve Greenfield joins to offer his predictions for the next three years, highlighting AI’s growing role in dealership operations and the need for high-potential employees to drive innovation. To mark this occasion, the team announces the podcast’s return to familiar name, “The Automotive State of the Union,” reinforcing their commitment to delivering relevant, unfiltered industry insights every day.
Paul J Daly 0:00
Music. Good morning. We did it on Tuesday, September 28 2021 you and I press record for the very first time, and here we are. We picked up astray along the way. Michael Cirillo is in the studio, and we're going to live. This is real. This, I don't touch we're not AI. We are in the same place, at the same time, in Syracuse, New York, in the studio, like the studio, studio, the studio for what it was built for. Studio. Isn't that funny when you use something for what is built for? There's actually we were here filming yesterday, content for ASOTU CON, for the big screens, and there's a microphone impression about eight feet up the wall over there. Like, where it is permanently impressive. We have a camera that can hit this, probably not, right? All of a sudden, we're like, yeah, we're like, guys, because we have more cameras than usual, and, oh, that's, that's it. It actually looks like a microphone if you're watching outer space, actually, because we're coming up with dumb ideas. What can we do on the big, massive, you know, 3040, foot screen that's at a soda con. And I was like, I have an idea. Miles snapped me this microphone like a football. I'm gonna hold it and con is gonna place kick it as hard as you can. And he did. I got it. I got all of it. I got all of them. You should have saw the production team wince when the microphone blew into like 1000 pieces. It was like, It's okay. We have more. And then
Michael Cirillo 1:25
you promptly looked up what it would take to repair it, and you're like, that's too much effort. Actually.
Kyle Mountsier 1:29
No, it was 30 Amazon, 39 bucks, and we're done. Yeah, see you here
Paul J Daly 1:33
tomorrow. Be here tomorrow. So we press record. We were like, are we gonna do the show or not? And I was like, I'm pressing record right now. It
Kyle Mountsier 1:41
was like three o'clock on the in an afternoon. Was it a Wednesday? I don't know what the 20 Tuesday so, so it would have been on. It was a Monday afternoon. We did it on a Monday afternoon. We recorded it, pushed it the next day, and yeah, like that. It was, it was literally just a spur of the moment. We talk about all these things all the time, why don't we never do it? Just
Paul J Daly 2:00
got to do it. You got to press record, which is the first was the first lesson of today's show. No, we're not gonna have lessons today. We're gonna look back. We're gonna special guests. We're gonna look forward to what is next. But in the meantime, we still gotta do the announcements in the show. ASOTU CON is coming in hot, and we're having pitch tank at ASOTU CON. We are
Kyle Mountsier 2:17
having pitch tank the now it's been like a week since we announced it, the the submissions are flowing in. I'm excited about it, because it's it's something that paces up the adoption rate of net new technology, where dealers can be in the room, industry partners, investors, can be in the room and really understand who's pressing the boundaries and trying new things. So if you want to be a part of pitch tank at ASOTU CON, and you should be get your submissions in, you can go to ASOTU CON com, forward slash, pitch tank sends you to a form, submit it, get it in there. We'll get the judges see if you make it.
Paul J Daly 2:46
We're also have a webinar coming up. Is it tomorrow? Already? Yeah, that is ASOTU Wedge webinar. These are the 2025, 30 minute, quick shot webinars. They're a lot of fun. We host them. We have, we have Bobby Goudreau of activator. We're talking about how clean your DMS and CRM data drives, marketing automation results. This is a really fun conversation, because, as someone who doesn't know a lot about I'm always like, the lowest common denominator in a conversation like this, like, explain it to me like a me,
Michael Cirillo 3:13
right? They hand you a box of Crayola. Yeah, right, exactly.
Paul J Daly 3:17
This is gonna help the numbers go in the thing. So you're saying people know what I do on live. There's a lot of there's gonna be a lot of great graphs and explanations through here. So it's always like, how can we set this webinar up so that I can understand it? So if you're like that, or if you're like Kyle and Michael, who understand how these things work, there's something for everyone. You can go to, and you can register right there and be a part of either the live stream or the recording. But we hope you're on the live stream so that you can heckle us in person.
Kyle Mountsier 3:44
There you go. All right, speaking of live streams and heckling, what are
Paul J Daly 3:49
we doing next? Nathan, you can't be on the show. Can you get your camera on? I wish you could see him there. Oh, Mike, we have three cameras set up, three microphones, and Nathan sitting in the control miles and Spencer and But Nathan is such an amazing part of the show and putting it together every day, and he's got this whole beautiful show planned for us. We're gonna like some show notes. Troublemakers, by the numbers, we're doing 1000 episodes of the podcast. Generates a whole lot of show notes. In fact, 1300 36 pages of show notes. Oh, you have a graphic for this 1336, pages
Kyle Mountsier 4:23
of show notes. And then we went through those show notes. We had to see exactly what line by line. So here you go. So on the mentions by OEM. No surprise here, Toyota coming in at number five, Toyota coming in at number five, okay, number four. Chevrolet at 652, three. GM at 812, Ford at 948, I know who number one's gonna drum roll please. You would never guess it this one's never in the news. No one talks about little
Paul J Daly 4:54
company called 1001
Kyle Mountsier 4:57
Liza, 60 times.
Paul J Daly 5:01
He says, vandalize it. Michael, unbelievable. So if you don't know this, but Michael was just took the first vacation with he took with his family in like seven years and and like, are you gonna be sideways and true, true to form. ASOTU fashion. We're like, we're doing 1000 episodes tomorrow. He's like, I gotta be there his so his family this morning is flying back from Universal, yep. And Michael last I was like, I can make it to Syracuse. I'll be there by midnight. And then at like, 1030 he's like,
Michael Cirillo 5:28
I'll be there by two eight. Yeah, just rolled in and guys like, it's 1000 I gotta say, my wife is the best. She was like, you're going, you've got to be there. And I was like, Okay. And I felt all the things, you know, I was like, but I'm abandoning you with all these crazy people at universe.
She's like, you gotta go. And I was like, I'm off. There
Kyle Mountsier 5:49
you go. We are, well, I'm glad you're here. We're glad All right, let's
Paul J Daly 5:52
go down the top people, mentions, counting down from five to number one, number. Oh, sorry. Topics covered first before we go, people, we're gonna go topics the counting down from five to one, manufacturing and production. 434 by the way, this is for all the people that think we just goof off. Yeah, we don't just we actually cover topics before and after we goof off. And then consumer behavior, marketing trends, 507 times we covered EVs, 523 times. Dealer dynamics and retail auto trends, 587 times. And tech and AI, 854 times. We should do a newsletter.
Kyle Mountsier 6:28
We should talk about AI,
Paul J Daly 6:30
put this in written form, which we do every morning, if you don't get it.
Kyle Mountsier 6:33
So you mean, we have a daily email that comes out that talks about all these things, and on Tuesdays, we have one that's called auto that talks about when you know it tech and AI, yeah,
Paul J Daly 6:43
and lot of people open it every day, and the memes in it make a lot of people laugh. We goof off a little on that one too. Because if I once heard somebody say at nada show when they met Chris Reeves, our head writer, they said to me, your newsletter is the first thing I read before I get out of bed every morning. That's amazing. They said, because it puts me in a good mood for the day. It's
Kyle Mountsier 7:08
like, you can read about Tesla and be in a good mood, I don't know
Paul J Daly 7:12
about lately, depends on where your position is good point. All right, we mentioned some people along the way as well.
Kyle Mountsier 7:18
We mentioned some people. All right, so you wouldn't, you wouldn't believe it, but these might be aligned somehow,
Paul J Daly 7:24
with, actually, there's, there's a sleeper in the middle. There's
Kyle Mountsier 7:27
got a surprise sleeper in the middle. So at number five, Carlos Tavares, with 70 mentions, that's probably all in the last How did that happen? It's on the last nine months. Number 85 Jim Farley, at number three, here's the here's the sleeper in the middle, Donald Trump with 97 there's a good photo. Then you got Mary Barra with 183 and big fans. Do we even need the drum horror for the fact that we've mentioned Elon Musk 422
Paul J Daly 7:58
I would have sworn that Sean fain was going to make it on this list based on, Oh, dang. But I mean, that was, that was a real kind of, like,
Kyle Mountsier 8:04
it was a blip. It was, like a three month blip.
Paul J Daly 8:07
It was the proverbial, you know, podcast, one night stand. I feel bad because
Michael Cirillo 8:11
I forgot about it just until you mentioned, sorry. Well, he's
Paul J Daly 8:15
coming back in the news earlier this week. VW, like, there's a vote, there's a thing, he'll be back. Oh, he's coming back. But the question is, will he and Trump be friends or enemies? I think they'll be frenemies. I think they will be friends. I wish
Michael Cirillo 8:24
I was more prepared for this so that I could be on camera balancing forks like Elon was the other day at the White House.
Kyle Mountsier 8:30
Pretty funny. It's amazing. All right, let's roll it back. Because, you know, we actually this is going to be an interesting one, because we actually, Paul and I have never gone back and listened to I have a feeling,
Paul J Daly 8:44
I'm glad I'm feeling there's a reason for this. Now we're breaking a cardinal rule. This is one of those where it's death of the podcast, right? Like, oh,
Kyle Mountsier 8:54
that's what my voice sounds like. How far we've come. We're gonna see if we sound less gray haired. I'll see, I'm sure. All right. Oh, boy. It used to be this one. Oh, that's right. This should have been. We should have done, like, some something where people had to guess what the original name of the podcast was. It was called the contagious five. We started like this, this consultancy, marketing consultancy, and we were going to cover five marketing trends every single week that doesn't have,
Paul J Daly 9:18
I mean, that that happened for like, two days, two episodes. I mean, I did bring the hat that you're wearing in that picture, because we had those made up. There you go. Not even close. No, this is a while before we realized we could do that. All right, let's listen to this first. I don't even think we have video. Are we just live reacting to this is live reactions. Okay, they should have sped the voices up by like, you know, point point two, to make it sound like we were higher pitch, Hey, pal. Okay, I just hit record, and Connor and I came up with this idea that we were going to do a regular everyday podcast Monday through Friday. That's going to be short, sweet to the point top of mind, follow our journey as entrepreneurs in this. Art up and automotive and marketing and culture and all these things. And I just hit record so that we could have episode 00, to upload to app. And no
Kyle Mountsier 10:06
joke, no joke. Paul, there's Kyle for for those listening, we literally came up with this idea, like, 18 minutes ago. Maybe that hasn't changed. That's the
Paul J Daly 10:17
truth. Yeah, still doing that. So yeah. But the biggest thing for us is we have a zillion ideas and and no ideas don't mean anything if you don't execute on it. So we're kind of forcing and challenging ourselves to just start executing. That's the hard thing to do with big ideas. That hasn't
Kyle Mountsier 10:31
changed. Yeah, we could advice what we started a big idea, a couple of them today, executed on and we realized, like, if we want to do something, do it now or never do it. And so we just hit record, which is super fun.
Paul J Daly 10:50
I was gonna do it. I just did it.
Unknown Speaker 10:52
I'm hitting record. All right. Here we go.
Paul J Daly 10:55
Well, Dave Meltzer is like, you know, you get a hot you get done 100% of the things you do now. Yeah, right. So we have episode 00, so our goal for this is really to connect on multiple levels with every we have so many friends in this community. It's growing. We're building this company, and we think that like we can just sow some good energy, and it's fun to be on the ride together. So it is going to be what it is, yeah, and
Kyle Mountsier 11:20
we just want to bring people along on the ride, share the experience, share some of the cool things that we're seeing in the industry, and allow people to kind of enter in, because we talk about this a lot like the human is a lot better than the business, right all day, and the human is the only reason the business exists. And so
Paul J Daly 11:39
Kyle is like taking notes editors. LinkedIn post for the next week. We want
Kyle Mountsier 11:43
to enter in with you something that's gonna be what exciting waking up every morning to hang out with, hang out with you, Paul.
Paul J Daly 11:54
I'm already excited because maybe we'll do Collins, right? We can do college. We did do that. You're probably gonna get. We should do more, though, me saying I'm stuck at home and Kyle's gonna be calling in from like, his Uber, you know, or vice versa, or maybe that's important. When we got this thing coming up in October, we hope you all can come to this party in Vegas that we're throwing on October 12. Happens. I don't know this is gonna be awesome, and it's good to have you for the journey. We don't know where it's gonna take us, but if you know us, which is why you know it's going to be a lot of fun and hope to smile a little bit, and your day was a little bit better. It's coming after you listen. They had no I don't know, Kyle, close it out.
Kyle Mountsier 12:31
I just can't wait to share with the industry bought into this, all of the crazy, ridiculous conversations that we have every day that we get on the phone and laugh a little, cry a little and enjoy life.
Paul J Daly 12:43
This is going to move the needle. I'm confident of it. We're three minutes into this, and I'm confident this is probably going to be move the needle more than anything else we've done this year. Three years later, next up is going to be Episode One, when we're going to have a little bit more together, but no
Kyle Mountsier 13:00
nothing together. Wow,
Paul J Daly 13:03
wow. I didn't remember most of that, no music, no record back then, just to record you were but we babies. What are children? That's still the thesis
Kyle Mountsier 13:13
like, and our team knows that now, right? We just hit record, we just go like, we just pivot, move, attempt new things, and the trying and the trial is just as much of the journey as the success. So that that
Michael Cirillo 13:24
was entrepreneurship bottled up in a three and a half minute segment, or however long that was, it was like, I don't know what's coming next, but I'm just going to take a step forward, and now, like, the hindsight looking back, you got 1000 episodes of this thing and how it's materialized. One, I don't know what you want to call it, like, one faith filled step at a time, and you're like, and you look back and you're like, Oh, I'm glad I kept walking. That's,
Paul J Daly 13:48
I think, the the fact that we started with a podcast, like, let's do something. And I don't think about the 1000 episodes, like, it's been a lot of work, and it's just become part of our routine and a discipline that you do. And some days. It's like we have to get a brief episode done. A lot of days, is stuff, but I think about all the branches that came off of this, of the people we've met, of the movement that has started, of the 1000s of people who are opening that email, the 1000s of people who are wearing these shirts, that's right. Love people more than you love cars, the the hundreds of people who are going to be at ASOTU CON, the 1000s of pieces of media we've put out, the people who say, I didn't know anyone else thought about the industry like this. I think that's found the other
Kyle Mountsier 14:31
huge like it's people finding the others going, oh, there's other people that can that are thinking about challenging in this way has been such a resounding gong for the entire ASOTU, more than cars community, yeah.
Paul J Daly 14:43
Speaking of those people, segway, let's go. We don't just want to look back, but we want to look forward. Episode 2000 is only three years away, guys. So we caught up with our favorite automotive prognosticator, big word in the show notes to give us a sneak peek of. Of the future, none other than the one and only, Steve Greenfield. Steve Greenfield, the man who probably has the most appearances on the show of the 1000 episodes. Thanks for joining us for episode. 1000
Steve Greenfield 15:13
guys, it's good to be here, and congratulations. 1000 of many 1000 more.
Paul J Daly 15:18
Oh, my goodness, that sounds like a lot of work. Can you do? You do many 1000s? I mean, that's, that's like a lifetime commitment. My kids will be grown empty nesters. There's, there's a lot of consideration, play golf.
Kyle Mountsier 15:31
I'll lose all my hair. Like you dinner. Oh, yeah,
Paul J Daly 15:36
I know, I know, but, but look at the beard color. That's a gray over here. So Steve, do you remember the first time, like you came across either myself or Kyle? I'm trying to remember the first time. You
Steve Greenfield 15:49
know, the truth is, Paul, you don't even know this, but I saw you at some conference handing out your little red manifesto. And that would really be like a digital not a digital dealer, but maybe a driving sales conference. You were like, doing your gorilla tactics outside. Was
Paul J Daly 16:04
it? Was it? Was it New York City? Do you remember it could have been? I think it's either driving sales executive Summit. I mean, I did it more than one place could be. I mean, look, I
Steve Greenfield 16:12
So, what year would that have been? Paul? What year would that have been when you're handing that thing out?
Paul J Daly 16:17
20, 2018 Okay, yeah, right, yeah. I mean, small confession. I've never admitted this to anybody, so I'm gonna do here he goes. The truth, the truth. We were at the Automotive News retail forum. I can't remember what city, what it was in. Maybe it was Vegas, and I had a shirt on that said, Because Amazon and Dale Pollack actually mentioned it from the stage, which is ironic, because someone must have told him that I was wearing the shirt, and I had all these little business cards that said, Because Amazon, they had a little automotive manifesto, like little ad on the back, yeah, and I kept going into the men's room and putting them nice and then I would peek out, and then they'd be gone because some bathroom attendant, and then I'd go back in.
Kyle Mountsier 16:58
That's great, great tactics. Well,
Steve Greenfield 16:59
Paul, Paul this for the record, like guys don't like to pick stuff up in the men's room because of the germs,
Kyle Mountsier 17:06
just so you know, as as you're talking about the next 1000 episodes, obviously, that's that's a little over three years time in our world, and because you are the Self proclaimed and industry proclaimed authoritative viewpoint on the future of automotive and now the future of mobility. What are some things that maybe we might get to look forward to covering over the next 1000 episodes? Yeah, like my episode two,
Steve Greenfield 17:33
baby. Wow. So Will Trump still
Kyle Mountsier 17:38
be president? Yes, he will still be present. Okay, so as long as we don't miss Saturday, yeah, complicated
Paul J Daly 17:43
Unknown Speaker 17:47
This is the show,
Steve Greenfield 17:49
like, What do you mean? You read like, this term, or things gonna get really weird. Well, that as well, but, yeah, okay, but by the end, by the end of the term, yeah, so nine months, he's already signaled, you know where we're going to be. You know, unwinding a lot of the EV infrastructure was going to be challenging for EV penetration. I think that, you know, if anything that the escalation of tariffs against at least the Chinese will continue, you know, if it's past, then I would say, you know, at some point we're going to see Chinese EVs on American soil, beyond the Volvos and pole stars that we see today. But for the most part. You know, I think that dealers should feel fairly confident that their business has proven to be resilient. You know, margins are will start to look more like pre COVID. Sorry to have to break the news, but it is what it is. So, more more focused on used cars, more focused on fix ops, you know, things that you can control beyond OEMs, who largely are going to be under a lot of pressure. Mark the front end margins on cars are going to get compressed because, you know, there's gonna be more competition, and the OEMs are going to be suffering, and therefore they're going to pass some of that love downstream to dealers. So margins on front end of cars aren't going to be as high. So I think, you know, dealers that you know over the last 10 years have figured out how to make, you know, used cars really profitable, and make fixed stops really profitable. That's going to continue and be more important than ever to make sure that you've got independence from the OEM, who may not be as healthy as it was 10 years ago. So Nathan, our producer, just flashed a number on the screen and said, June 23 2028 is the 2,000th episode. So
there you go, 2028 in June. It'll be here to flash, here to flash. 2028
Paul J Daly 19:26
I mean, that's do
Kyle Mountsier 19:28
me a favor, put it on your schedule, Steve, or make sure I will be available. I promise. It will be an election year. It will will be in the, oh, we
Paul J Daly 19:36
will be in the worst part of the election season. We're going to mark this. And by then, AI will just be like, hey, remember that episode, tell us what we said, and it'll just do that. Speaking of AI, since we're talking about the future, what is the most meaningful way do you think dealers are going to implement AI between now and 2028? The most meaning? Look,
Steve Greenfield 19:58
I'm gonna sound like a broken record. I. Tell you this, by June 2028, dealers are going to be operating with far fewer employees. You know, the BDC is going to be a relic of the past. And I think that, you know, I hate to scare people out there, but you know, get, get with it, get on this bandwagon. Because, you know, dealers are going to figure out ways to do more with fewer people. The remaining people are going to be much more prolific and efficient and be able to get a lot more done per human. But I think we're going to see this wave of AI really coming into all the different roles at a dealership. And the Phase One will be making folks more efficient. Phase two will be slowly but surely replacing a lot of the jobs.
Paul J Daly 20:39
Interesting, you know, there's a term. There's a term that I've, I've read in a magazine as far as, like, you know, we used to say self starter and all these things. And it said in the AI future, the the term is high agency. And we're going to be see a lot of high agency individuals who will be able to deploy these tools and handle a wide variety of tasks in a really great way. And it sounds like that's, that's what you're talking about, the auto dealerships. Deal ship is going to be full of
Kyle Mountsier 21:04
high agency. The learning, the learning right now is, start educating yourself. Start working with it. Be a high agency employee that knows how to utilize and implement AI structures within the business, and that way you're not out with the BDC. No, I think
Steve Greenfield 21:18
that's exactly right, Les, for any employees that are out there. I mean, what Kyle just said is exactly right. I mean, be on the cusp of this because, you know, the dealers are gonna be looking across the rank and file employees and saying, you know, who are the people that I can invest in that are gonna be able to learn and upgrade their skill set and leverage these things. So it's a great, great point. Kyle
Paul J Daly 21:38
last question, so we talk about dealers as being entrepreneurs and very resilient. How would you advise dealers to cultivate the culture of entrepreneurship? It sounds like the culture that's going to be needed is very entrepreneurial in figuring out what this new future looks like. You work with a lot of entrepreneurs, you see them, you evaluate them, you invest in them, you mentor them. What would you say to dealers as some advice on how to cultivate an environment of entrepreneurship inside the
Steve Greenfield 22:02
stores. Well, just one be very open minded to what you're hearing in terms of new products that are coming out from the vendors overall. And then number two is, I think it is time for you to look at who is the next generation of employees that you can be investing in. We know a lot of dealers have a lot of challenges with turnover, but now would be the time to start to identify the higher potential folks that you want to try to retain that are going to be able to use these tools going forward. You know, if you're going to have fewer employees, you'd better upgrade the quality of your employees. So if you're looking across a dealership, invest in the employees that are willing to take on more responsibility, and are your higher potential folks
Kyle Mountsier 22:41
amazing. Well, Steve, always full of cool insights and amazing thought on what, what the future of automotive looks like. This won't be the last time we obviously have you on. Thanks for joining us for the 1000s of 1000, I can't say that episode
Steve Greenfield 22:55
today. Well, Congrats, guys. I mean, you've been on a great journey so far, your impact on the industry has been felt, and I really am looking forward you guys tremendous momentum with this brand that you've built. So here's to the next 1000. And I would be honored to be on the show in June of 2028
Paul J Daly 23:12
count it. Book it. Get him an invite. Let's do it. Thanks. All right. Listen, there's so many people on the live stream right now chiming in. We just want to like, thank you. Robin James, Raymond Frank. Zd, that's how you say it, by the way. It's not Zeit, it's easy. I mean, it just take a look, like the guys, like the he knows what's up. Oh, who else? Who else is on here? Grammy, hold on. I can't we're not scrolling now. Everyone what's up? Carly Rob downs,
Kyle Mountsier 23:42
Carly, we got our team on here. Everybody. It's so cool to do do like these things. Sean Hopper, Sean is like an OG. He's super open. Been in it for a while. Thanks, Sean for just always continuing to support what we're doing. It's amazing. User,
Paul J Daly 23:55
at your LinkedIn. User, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. LinkedIn. User, real man of genius. Send you a palm tree and a smiley face. That's one's for you. Don Brady, that one's for you. Don listen normally when you watch the automotive troublemaker. We're at our desks with our meticulously curated backgrounds, but occasionally we're on the road, and over the years, we've had the privilege of running live shows from dealerships, theaters, conference centers, coffee shops, but there have been a few precarious places. We've had a setup. And if you're in that production life, you know how it is. So we've made a list of the top five weirdest places we've ever set
Kyle Mountsier 24:35
up to do it, weirdest places or elements. Here's, here's, here's number five we were at name add on Miami Beach, and Alex Flores pops in behind us at the name ad meeting. Boom, there he is. There's a great photo of Alex just coming into the middle of it. We're like, Alex, you gotta put some clothes on, bro. Unbelievable. If you're just listening, we're sorry. Number four on top of. My roller bag the day after the beaver Toyota charity golf tournament. If you're looking at this, we got like, a roller bag and a setup, and we're just trying to make it the little known fact, and the thing that wasn't recorded is we literally packed this so quick we, like, threw stuff in our pockets and sprinted to our gate.
Paul J Daly 25:17
Yeah, so like, there's a laptop sitting on the roller bag. We found, like, probably the least crowded place in ever. Like everybody about here, around here is about to, like, feel the energy of a show and learn about the auto
Kyle Mountsier 25:28
industry. All right. Number three, number three, I still smell this one, actually, okay. Is the indoor hotel pool in El Paso Texas, as we were leaving out with a dealer. It was indoor. After this, two like, 12 year olds come up and just asked us if we were YouTubers, I guess.
Paul J Daly 25:45
Well, because about two thirds of the way through the show, a family shows up, yeah, right. The door opens, right, and they got the towels and the flip flops for like, and here we are. We're like, we've all of a sudden, well, the kids walked in first. And we're like, we have to go, yeah, right. We're not the right place? But yeah, are you YouTubers? We were like,
Kyle Mountsier 26:04
I suppose we are. Yes, we are in the way that you're thinking it. So
Michael Cirillo 26:09
the least YouTuber way to say that you're a YouTuber. YouTubers would be like, Fauci, like, subscribe.
Kyle Mountsier 26:19
All right. Number two, this is a fun one. We did this. Check this out. Michael Cirillo, we were inside your house, in your studio. It's a good one. Did a little that was right before nada in Dallas a couple years ago. That was a fun one was I
Michael Cirillo 26:33
was weird too. When we got my wife to climb atop the fridge to get back, to get
Kyle Mountsier 26:37
that, that photo, we're like, just hang on. The show's almost over. We got this. She's Spider Man gripping onto the back corner of the wall. The number one weirdest place that we've ever done a show. This one was a weird one on top of a trash can in Terminal D at the Atlanta airport. Look, that photo is a relic. I was just in the Atlanta airport yesterday. They've done away with the old trash cans. They got fancy new trash the time capsule. Now that photo is a time capsule. We did it. And every once in a while, you know those we're in the middle of show, it
Paul J Daly 27:06
goes, packed her well, I think that's because people, regardless, see there, nobody cares in the Atlanta airport, pretty much about anything. Yep, and we're recording the show, someone like nudged their way by us to throw something out, like mid show, like you could have used one of the No and then trash cans, literally every day,
Michael Cirillo 27:23
did they make eye contact too? Like, the whole time it was opening, they were like,
Paul J Daly 27:27
staring at me as they
Kyle Mountsier 27:28
just looked at us. It was great. It was great. I will always get this show done no matter what, no matter where we're
Paul J Daly 27:35
at, yeah. And we just press record and we keep doing that, just like episode one, just like episode one. So to close, today's show, we kind of a special announcement. Don't worry, we're not stopping the show. Obviously, we'll still be here every morning. Give you at the new give you the news and what's affecting the industry, what retail is paying attention to. And every once in a while, we'll let you know what the teenagers are into. Because we have kids, we do. We used to do that a lot more. We'll get back into it. I think we've just become exhausted of teenagers. So the automotive troublemaker, the name was extremely relevant when we started. That was kind of our thing. We're making trouble in the industry. We're calling it like we see it, but we kind of feel like that's we still make trouble, but that's not like what we're leading with. And so we're basically going back to an OG name that was the early name that we feel like is still the most relevant name, and the show now is going to be called from here on forward, the automotive State of the Union cue the applause. So it's what is going on. I peed a little No. I was like, Why did miles and Spencer run out of the room? I thought it was gonna be water. Michael, that's attracted I'm
Michael Cirillo 28:48
now, like so many Lion King Broadway show. Oh my
Paul J Daly 28:52
goodness. So as we think about and consider our steps forward, we're so thankful for you that have been with us for all we cue the music. I think we should keep the music. See the music, all right, the music we've done this last time as the automotive troublemaker. Next time will be as the automotive State of the Union podcast. Michael Cirillo is in the studio with us. Kyle showed up every day. Nathan shows up at every mile. Spence, thanks for running support. We'll be here for you starting tomorrow. You
Kyle Mountsier 29:20
up, got him and.