Time sure flies when you are having fun (and we have all the fun)! It seems like just yesterday we were recording Ep. 00 - Just Hit Record and now we are here on episode 100 on a holiday the day after the Super Bowl. Thanks to our loyal fans and new followers for listening and giving us feedback every day. We have a smorgasbord of fresh topics today and we look back on the highlights of the ‘Big Game.’
Not just that, but we sent a surprise link as the show was starting to a few of our esteemed contributors and troublemakers. To our delight, Bob Lanham, David Long, Brian Kramer, and Tim Cox all showed up for a wild 100th episode!
The Super Bowl was a bit of a nail-biter, and in the end, the LA Rams came away with the victory
NADA Show announces they are dropping mask mandates for the convention
Dealers continuing to race to the public for used vehicle acquisition
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