Dealer Relevance Survey, BYD + Uber, Mach-E Fast Mode

August 1, 2024
It's the first day of a new month and we’re kicking it off by diving into a new survey on the public’s perception of dealerships. Plus BYD and Uber are teaming up around the world and Ford just made its Mach-E go faster.
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Urban Science and The Harris Poll have released the 2024 Urban Science Dealership Transformation Index™ (DTI), with the DTI score improving to 56, nearing the strong range (65-74).

  • The DTI score is derived from an average of three key dimensions: dealer relevance, trend resistance, and actions. These dimensions capture how buyers perceive dealer roles, their openness to new automotive trends, and their behaviors regarding vehicle purchases.
  • The dealer relevance score increased to 62, with 43% of auto buyers agreeing dealers are crucial, up 4 points, 42% finding current dealership tools effective, up 8 points and 38% feel dealerships are optimized for the future, up 11 points.
  • Trend resistance decreased with 33% open to online vehicle purchases, up 3 points and 20% seeing personal vehicle ownership as less important, up 4 points.
  • Actions saw slight improvement as 48% plan to submit online quotes and 91% being open to purchasing in person at the dealership. An incentive of as little as $35 caused a majority of auto buyers to be somewhat or extremely motivated to visit a dealership for service, test drives, etc.
  • The survey was conducted among 3,005 U.S. adults aged 18+ and 250 U.S. OEM automotive dealers, Sales Managers, General Managers, or Principal/VP/Owners.
  • Our writers Chris and Kristi did a write up of more of the findings, check out the LinkedIn Newsletter.

Tesla's rival, BYD, has announced a significant partnership with Uber, aiming to provide Uber drivers with discounted electric vehicles.

  • BYD and Uber's partnership includes a discount on 100,000 electric vehicles for Uber drivers with an initial roll out in Europe and Latin America along with future expansion plans for the Middle East, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • With a growing presence in North America, BYD has already established a footprint in Mexico with their hybrid truck and EV crossovers as well as a desire to open dealerships within Canada.
  • The Uber deal may include discounts on charging, maintenance, and insurance, acting as incentives for drivers to choose BYD vehicles.
  • BYD and Uber will also explore autonomous driving technology together, with BYD investing $14 billion in smart car technology.
  • Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber's CEO, noted the partnership's potential to introduce more riders to the benefits of electric vehicles: "Many riders also tell us their first experience with an EV is on an Uber trip, and we're excited to help demonstrate the benefits of EVs to more people around the world."

Ford has introduced a new performance upgrade for the 2024 Mustang Mach-E GT, with the upgrade enhancing acceleration, making the Mach-E GT faster than its rivals

  • The 2024 Mustang Mach-E GT now accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in 3.3 seconds, faster than the Tesla Model Y Performance (3.5 seconds) and Porsche Macan 4 Electric (4.9 seconds).
  • The upgrade, available through the FordPass App, adds 100 lb-ft of torque, bringing the total to 700 lb-ft and 480 horsepower.
  • The Mach-E GT's new features include a MagneRide Damping System and an EPA-estimated range of up to 280 miles.
  • The upgrade reflects Ford's shift towards integrating software-driven features and making them accessible via their app.
  • Chet Dhruna, GM of integrated services at Ford, emphasized the importance of customization in the ownership experience: “The freedom to move and customize the vehicle to make it your own is an important part of the ownership experience.”

Paul J Daly: 0:03

We've made it It is August 1, it is the last month of summer, no matter what state you live in, your kids are going back to school soon. Not that soon. We have some dealer surveys to talk about Uber and BYD, and a little bit of Mach II, the people really want to know a little secret video game unlock. It sort of feels like

Kyle Mountsier: 0:23

he's gonna make that comment I was, I was gonna make that comment during the segment, I was like, it basically feels like you'd like backed out got a little hack code, you know, just had it for just

Paul J Daly: 0:35

had a brilliant idea. It may be a brilliant idea. But I'm going to write it down. So when it comes to the third story,

Kyle Mountsier: 0:44

write it down.

Unknown: 0:45

I'm going to write down, give everybody a little bit in

Kyle Mountsier: 0:49

anticipation to lean in with well, because

Paul J Daly: 0:51

if if I don't have to start talking about it now, and we will again be into the third story before we start the show, before

Kyle Mountsier: 0:58

we start the show. Unbelievable. All right. This morning, Paul, how you doing?

Unknown: 1:04

It's It's, uh, you know, when you got some sun in Syracuse, still, we

Paul J Daly: 1:08

have lots of sun in Syracuse. It is sign they have sun warm, it is summertime is beautiful. They're building a Starbucks literally right across the street from my office window here. So I

Kyle Mountsier: 1:21

still think amazing and magical and terrible and awful about that all in the same wrapped ups that I know

Paul J Daly: 1:27

makes you want to visit even more. It's so great here. The reason is, it's great. I just got to watch them demolish a building over the last month. And then there was a pause, and now they're doing the site work. So the bulldozers are out. And the grading is, it's just so fun. And then construction goes, I'm not getting anything done. That's positive. Another positive is that I own the building that I'm sitting in. So property value. I'm excited to see what happens with that. And another reason I'm excited is that when you come visit next time you get to have more Starbucks. Ah

Kyle Mountsier: 2:02

okay, Paul, just give me a Yeah,

Paul J Daly: 2:04

granted, granted cakepops cakepops. It will be Hey, another thing that we're kind of like, on the downlow excited about and having been talking about a lot, but we're going to talk about right now is ASOTU CON 2025. It's August. I mean, I know it's next year, but check out this graphic, if you just haven't seen it. This is like, I mean, this is goes beyond print. And I'm given all the props to our designer, Ron who has done us all these Otakon graphics for a long time. He's like, he's got a really expensive job. But he just he humors ups, because it found was in the auto industry. But just the aesthetic gets me excited. Because the topic. And the main point is convergence, and how all the different pieces of the industry are converging to make something different than it has ever been. And we're going to talk about all of that and 2025 years convergence. Yeah. So if you want to be the first to know, if you want to be the first to know when we do announce details and speakers and probably a couple special Easter eggs for the people that are on this list, go to ASOTU Put your email list. It's the only thing you can do on the site right now. And you'll be part of the the leveling up of the automotive conference experience. We'll call it

Unknown: 3:18

the cops didn't succeed. Okay,

Paul J Daly: 3:20

today. Hey, speaking

Kyle Mountsier: 3:21

of experiences, we've got a new Auto Collabs episode called applying farming principles to the Service Drive. Yeah, you got our listeners in here leaving talking about customer retention with Nick Shaffer, and it'll be streaming on social media at 1pm. Today, you're gonna want to check it out. Or you can go to any of your podcast platforms type in Auto Collabs find that Joker

Unknown: 3:43

right at the top. He's Nick's a real genuine guy.

Kyle Mountsier: 3:47

He's a good guy.

Paul J Daly: 3:48

He's a genuine guy and you'll you'll pick that up immediately when you listen to the show. And it's fun to hear him talk about what what mountain bikers do in Texas when they move

Kyle Mountsier: 3:58

by Rosa hit a mountain

Unknown: 4:02

he's like who's with me anybody? Anyone all

Kyle Mountsier: 4:06

roads roads.

Paul J Daly: 4:08

Speaking of who's with me? Awesome service he talked about. So this is a collab of between our friends at Urban science and the Harris Poll. They released their 2020 for urban science dealership transformation index. We need another acronym. Yeah, the DTI, the old DTI. And the score is actually improved to 56 nearing the range where it would be considered strong. This is an umbrella thing for the industry. So basically, it's derived from an average of three key dimensions dealer relevance, trend resistance and actions like actions taken. These dimensions capture capture how buyers perceive dealer roles. So this is what the consumer thinks about the dealers role in the process, their dealers openness to new trends or consumers openness to new automotive trends and their behaviors regarding purchasing. So I think this is and very relevant information be paying attention to dealer relevance scored increased to 62%. Or to 62, with 43% of auto buyers agreeing that dealers are crucial. This is up from 42% last year. So that's pretty great. 42% of people find current dealership tools effective. Okay. I mean, you're never really winning when less than half people have. So let's just not get too excited. But that is up eight points. So I mean, we were at 36 last year. Oh, I mean, actually, no, we'll read 34 Yeah,

Kyle Mountsier: 5:37

I mean, either way, either way, mom's still grounded you, but at least you know, you're on the upward climb. Yeah. 38%

Paul J Daly: 5:45

feel that dealers are optimized for the future. That's 38% It was only 27 last year. So we're gonna keep direction, right? Let's celebrate the wins Sam, oh, man trend resistance decrease with 33%. Open to online vehicle vehicle purchases and 20% seeing personal vehicle ownership as less important. So I mean, it's like a dichotomy. People in general saw vehicle ownership is more important. I'll put it that way. So this was 3005, US adults aged 18 and up 250, OEM auto dealers, sales managers, GMs dealer principals or owners, we actually have a really nice write up about this in our LinkedIn newsletter, you can use it, you

Kyle Mountsier: 6:27

should go if you're listening to before, right? Go to the show notes, find this this newsletter because I think that it's highly relevant for thinking about where you're going to focus time in your business, based on what consumers reactions are to it. It's a it's a really well put together article and there's a whole bunch of like datas, and data and stats and some of the deck from the urban science article and study. So check it out.

Paul J Daly: 6:52

Or you just go to LinkedIn and search for Soto, and then the first post, you see, so I mean, like, look, we have a long way to go. Right? A long way to go. However, when the trend, there's a lot of other details in there. And people's sentiment towards salespeople, their relevance to the the relevance to you know, getting a good deal, actually people connected, having a good salesperson with getting a good deal, right, because it's how you feel at the end of it. Did you get a good deal or not out there? It all depends on how you feel. Yeah, right. And so did you feel like we weren't in the right direction? Yeah, I'm not saying that has anything to do with the show we're producing. That's why we're producing the show is

Kyle Mountsier: 7:34

why we're that's why we do the show. That's why we do the that's why we do everything we do the morning show the TV show the the ASOTU CON like it's all trying to move this in the right direction. So not just the dealers, but the consumers feel that there's progress and growth in the way that we approach the consumer. And frankly,

Paul J Daly: 7:51

we want to and we're talking about the show we do called more than cars. It's a docu series that's going to be on Amazon soon we'll tell you what, a we we hit the thing, but you go to more than But the point is, like, we want to tell the outside world all the good things that are going on, like for real inside dealerships, and let's be honest, we want to put pressure on the people that are not doing things in the consumers best interest. That's right. Yeah, so

Kyle Mountsier: 8:15

and and we like that's a hard thing to say because we are pro dealer, but we want to de pressure on the ones that continue to not do the things that are best for the consumer best for them their employees so that we can rise just right thing.

Paul J Daly: 8:31

You have little kids, Kyle's like you gotta vegetables got vegetables. You hate me right now, but you'll thank me later. Oh, speaking of oh, I don't know how to

Kyle Mountsier: 8:43

hate and like you later.

Paul J Daly: 8:44

There's no hate and like, and none of that in this. Tesla's rival their main rival BYD Chinese automakers announced significant partnership with Uber aiming to provide Uber drivers with discounted EVs, BYD, and Uber includes a discount on 100,000 electric vehicles for Uber drivers with initial rollout obviously not in the US at this point. Europe, Latin America along with future expansion into the Middle East to Canada. That's one to watch Australia, New Zealand. They have a growing presence in North America being Mexico and they're really working on Canada hard they've already established a footprint with their hybrid truck and Evie crossover plant in Mexico as well as the desire to open dealerships in Canada. There are some stories around that earlier this week. The Uber deal may include discounts also on charging maintenance insurance, which makes a ton of sense, together incentives for people to buy a BYD vehicle. The two will also explore autonomous driving technology. We have no idea investing 14 billion in Smart car technology. Daraa I'm going to try this coaster

Kyle Mountsier: 9:48


Paul J Daly: 9:51

You're too good at this. Uber CEO noted the partnerships potential to introduce more riders to the benefits of EVs quote many riders also tell us their first experience with an Eevee is on an Uber trip. And we're excited to demonstrate the benefits of EVs to more people around the world.

Kyle Mountsier: 10:06

I'm telling you, I've been in a significant amount of EVs and an Uber ride, so that is as true in fact, so true. I'm gonna watch, we're gonna watch BYD squeezing on the US from every position, Europe, and they're going to do Mexico and Canada. And everybody's just going to be jealous. And they're going to do it with us based companies like Uber and put pressure on the US to allow them at a different at different guidelines than then would have been done in the past. I love deals like this, because like we've talked about with rental companies, and rideshare. That is a great introduction to an Eevee. So great job on the strategy from BYD in our opinion, or my so

Paul J Daly: 10:46

have a have a question this came to mind when I was thinking about this. If Uber per se, purchased, I don't know, let's say 10,000 vehicles somewhere else and just brought them into the US as long as they met F safety guy. Yeah. May be allowed to operate. Yeah, would it? Would they? Well, it's an Eevee. Would they be allowed to operate in the country? Could you license and register that car? Like could there be 10,000 vehicles that come through over into the US are where they'd be like distribution laws that would forbid them to even own them? Ah, yeah.

Kyle Mountsier: 11:18

I mean, that's like import, you know,

Unknown: 11:20

like, I was

Paul J Daly: 11:21

just thinking about that. Like, could there all of a sudden be like 1000s of BYD vehicles on the ground here without having to have been sold to a consumer? Yeah, I doubt it. But I feel like even if that was about to happen, take my legal advice. You know what I mean? I think you'd be an idiot. If you thought anything we gave you on this show is legal. Just so you just said, speaking of I don't know. The first part of the show where I said I first heard of the show, which I do have the word written down. I'm gonna save it till after the story.

Kyle Mountsier: 11:55

All right, so Ford has introduced a new performance of grade for the 2020 Ford Mustang Mach EGT. With the upgrade enhancing acceleration making the Mk II GT faster than its rivals 2024 Mach EGT now accelerates from zero to 60 in 3.3 seconds faster than the model y 3.5. And the Porsche Macan for electric at 4.9 seconds. The upgrade is available through the Ford Pass app. Just the app, it has 100 foot pounds of torque, bringing the total to 700 pound feet of torque, and 480 horsepower. Its new features include a MagneRide dampening system, and EPA estimated range of up to 280 miles. Definitely upgrade the upgrade reflects a desire from Ford to get into its software driven features and making them accessible via their app. Chet Jumeirah Drona, gm of integrated services at Ford said the freedom to move and customize the vehicle to make it your own is an important part of the ownership experience.

Paul J Daly: 13:03

Did they say how much it cost?

Kyle Mountsier: 13:05

I have no. Let's see, I can't remember a free

Unknown: 13:10

upgrade. It's an unlike, is there a free trial.

Kyle Mountsier: 13:14

You can get the upgrade upon purchase or current owners can access it with a one time purchase through the Ford app. I'm not seeing the price anywhere.

Paul J Daly: 13:24

Okay, so give it your all. Well, first of all, I think this is awesome. To me, you know, and I wonder how much it is because that'll just dictate how awesome it actually is. However, I was thinking like what this app and this Eevee like these, they're these unlocks, right? So you think about gamification of it, there's unlocks there's achievements. And then that pivoted my mind to insurance companies and like the new like data track. There should be like achievements that you earn like badges, Instagrams, doing it on social media, make two posts getting to get a badge cue, imagine how many grandma drivers there would be out there if all of a sudden people had achievements to unlock by driving within the speed limit for a certain amount of time, and they got actual dollars off trying. Oh, my gamifying safe driving, sometimes aka annoying driving. Right? But that goes like But then what happens to the achievement when you get this upgrade in the Maki? And then you just floor it because you need to see what under four seconds feels like your achievement. Just go bop, bop, bop bop. They all go away. Right? It's like a real achievement reset. I don't know. But I feel like there's a huge opportunity for that. Yeah, insurance companies. Geico. By the way,

Kyle Mountsier: 14:35

995 bucks before taxes. So 1000 bucks, just an extra 185 or 100 pound feet of torque and

Paul J Daly: 14:42

the real one would be like we can just roll it into your payments. If

Unknown: 14:46

it's fine. It's like you know, your payment by five bucks. People are doing three months. $1,000

Paul J Daly: 14:52

is tough. $1,000 just tougher. Just a little more speed. Yeah, some people.

Unknown: 14:58

Some people would do it. I mean, how many miles He's

Kyle Mountsier: 15:00

weird to me that it's just sitting there in the car that it's just like available and you got to like it's not an upgrade at the time of purchase. It's just like a time of purchase. You can Yeah, but it's a market. It feels

Paul J Daly: 15:16

way better than the heated seats need to be unlocked. BMW thinks on that one. I think somebody's got to do it wrong so we can learn was just that one was BMW this one for unlocking the power. If you have a Ford maki go unlock the power pay $1,000 Send us the video. We promise you we will play it on this show.

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