Show Notes with links:
Buick, GM’s semi-luxury brand, is experiencing a significant sales resurgence thanks to the new 2024 Buick Envista.
Bob Kelley, former publisher of Kelley Blue Book, passed away at 96. Known for his humor and tech-savviness, Kelley led the publication's digital transformation.
Nilay Patel, editor-in-chief of the Verge, is challenging that ‘Google Zero,’ the moment when Google stops sending traffic to third-party websites, is here.
Kyle Mountsier: 0:10
That's not the right button give the man the right button. Oh my goodness. We can't even do it is what happens when you don't get read into it. Hey, this is a live show everybody is day two Cirilo is hanging out with me. We're doing a little bit of marketing wrap up on the end. We're also talking about the Buke and visa, and the accomplishments of Bob. Isn't who recognize the last? And Cirilo. There's no one that ever said that we're perfectly professional. You know what I mean? And that's okay.
Michael Cirillo: 0:51
Details, details? Kyle details,
Kyle Mountsier: 0:54
the devils in the details? Well, I'm not. Yesterday, I think you posted on LinkedIn, you've been doing a podcast for 10 years. So I'm not as accomplished as you. But
Michael Cirillo: 1:07
yeah, you know, those posts don't reveal the time, say like, when I had guys like Guy Kawasaki on the show and forgot to hit record and had to figure out a way to get him back. So show must go on, you know, so let's go on.
Kyle Mountsier: 1:24
There's a few shows going on. Right now. We are literally daily uploading all the content from ASOTU CON, we're not holding back anything because we recognize hey, look, if you couldn't be there should get the content. And if you couldn't be there, not being there is about much more than the content. So next year, you're gonna want to be there. But yesterday, we released the pitch tank prelims and final. So if you want to learn about some really cool companies and listen to some experts in the industry, talk about them and ask them questions and figure out whether or not they're right. Partners for different dealers and whether or not their SAS and and tech models can grow. You should check out our ASO two channel at a so tube. So ASOTU dot B E, you can find that. Yeah, those were a lot of fun for me. And Steve Greenfield is for Riot. I don't know if you knew that or not.
Michael Cirillo: 2:15
I know because when we did our so do conversations podcast from the live stage at ASOTU. CON. You guys you walked up he's like so what do you want to jam on? And I'm like, break question. What do you vibe it on? He's like, You know what, let's just ask the audience. And he just. He's like, so what do you guys want to learn about today? That's amazing inputs and just went so I can't imagine the data flying around in that man's brain.
Kyle Mountsier: 2:41
That man has so much in his brain that I don't know how he keeps it all there. It has something to it. There's a cross section between the number of cats you can keep in your house and the amount of data that you can keep in your head. That's all I know.
Michael Cirillo: 2:53
Oh, my goodness, green A new bot bias. So do Oh, instead we forget Gemini forget
Kyle Mountsier: 3:03
in a second up to something to that. There's enough content out there in the world for Greenfield that we put together. All right. All right. We're thinking about it. We're thinking about it. Alright, let's get into it today. First story that we're looking at is a little bit of a recap of something that the industry has been seeing, which is kind of an interesting story that's unfolding but Buick GMC is a GMs semi luxury brand is experiencing a significant sales resurgence. Thanks to this card, the 24 Buick and Vista Buick right now celebrating its 120/5 anniversary. They actually the article notes that they're the Buick is said to have had the very first ever like what was noted as a concept car was called it was the 1938 Buick y job. So they've had a history of design but you know in recent years have fallen off the off the design saddle just a little bit. But currently the bereiken visa is leading the brand sales increase especially in the US. In 2023. Buick sold 167,000 vehicles in the US surpassing Cadillac among GMs four brands in the market. Also this is a wild stat. Almost 70% of Buick buyers are new to the brand. So it's like brand new market for them. They're almost making their own market admins analysts even Drewery says it fells fat sells faster than the vast majority of GM products just as as far as the sales right? Have you seen this car yet?
Michael Cirillo: 4:42
No, I wanted to look it up but at the risk of getting a big glare in my glasses from
Kyle Mountsier: 4:49
now No it's nice. I mean when you look at it, it it definitely takes a different look then what and kind of a lot of the stuff is coming out across The brand over the next couple of years I haven't really shown. Yeah, go. I could click on the article. You'll see it. Actually, we can throw it up on the screen. I think Can't we leave it in there but a little
Michael Cirillo: 5:10
Porsche she Porsche
Kyle Mountsier: 5:13
Porsche Yeah, it's a you know, thinner back. Little more aggressive front nose. If you're not listening to it. I actually we've actually got a couple comments coming in from the from our stream the investor, the investor is legit. I took a double take the first time I saw it from Doug. And I saw even a couple of posts this week of people just saying no, the drive the experience the interior, the exterior is all almost not Buick from the last five to seven years. Wow.
Michael Cirillo: 5:49
Not your not your grandparents ride anymore. No,
Kyle Mountsier: 5:53
not at all. No, not at all. Speaking of our grandparents segway one of the godfathers of all vehicle valuations Bob Kelly, former publisher of the Kelley Blue Book, yes, Kelly himself passed away on Tuesday at age 96. Known for his humor and tech savviness Kelly loved the publication's digital transformation as well. He series spearheaded the trance transition from print to a comprehensive online resources marking making car pricing information more accessible, expanded his the reach of Kelley Blue Book to imports trucks, motorcycles, RVs mobile homes classic and collector cars. He began his career in the family owned Kelly car co Kelly and car both case where he honed his skills and appraisal and selling used cars becoming publisher of the Kelley Blue Book in the 1960s. This is this is a funny quote from from Bob Kelly, his son in law Charlie Volga Haim said he had a sense of humor about the online transition and said, If you drop the book still works. They were acquired in 2010 by Cox, automotive and Cox has praised him as being a true pioneer in the automotive industry. Bob's impact has been immeasurable. His passion for informed decision making will always guide us, man. What a wow, what a piece of like, automotive history that that is that is now passed away like, like, Kelly has been
Michael Cirillo: 7:31
six years. Right? Yeah, yeah. 96. That's, that's at least 37 and car dealer years, at least. And I'm also I feel like I'm on that genealogy that family history show now I can't remember what it's called. But how have I not made the connection that Charlie Vogel home? Is the son in law of Kelly himself,
Kyle Mountsier: 7:54
right? I don't know. Man, I've never even knew that. How would you know? Vogel Haim and Kelly. They're very, very different things.
Michael Cirillo: 8:04
Yeah, wow. Okay, very well. Well, I mean, condolences to his family, of course. And to your point, man, what an influential legacy that he leaves behind.
Kyle Mountsier: 8:17
Yeah, I mean, like, so many people just point to, you know, what is the KBB value of my car? Right? That is still the industry standard, whether or not Carvanha or car Max are are entering the space. It's a it's a loss, but also just a celebration. So well, hey, this is I'm gonna give this one to, to our, to our producer, Nathan, he said, speaking of a little legacy, segue.
Michael Cirillo: 8:52
leg is the legacy. I mean, hey Nilay Patel, editor in chief of The Verge is challenging that Google's zero, the moment when Google stopped sending traffic to third party websites is here. We talked yesterday on the show about the SEO, SEO industry, SEO professionals around the globe, are are in a frenzy about these leaked documents. And now we have more and more people coming out and sharing information related to Google's operations. Google search, as we all know, is dominated the web ecosystem driving traffic and ad revenue. Websites rely on Google Search Chrome and advertising technologies for their business model. There's smaller sites like house fresh that are struggling as Google's changing its algorithms. We talked a little bit about the core algorithm update in March and how people have seen just a URL or roller coaster in their in their analytics and that's causing a lot of people to wonder what in the world is going on? How's fresh manager editor Managing Editor Giselle Navarro detail With the impact of their traffic and business, yeah,
Kyle Mountsier: 10:03
and if you don't know house fresh, they are kind of like a mainstay for, like real review sites on the consumer products. And there are, her argument is like, look at, basically, these massive companies are taking the Google algorithm and and just like obliterating Google's ability to actually find relevant content because it's so driven by the, by the algorithm. And they're able to just basically sneak in. And Google is, is, essentially, depending on the vertical owned, the front page is owned by anywhere between three and seven website providers. And even worse, you know, Eli has been mentioning that because of things like AI, and the way that that Google was presenting the very top information and pushing down organic search results further and further down the page, that this like, zero click mentality, or the or Google's desire to not let you leave off of Google's search page is becoming more and more reality. You know, we've had Google Shopping happening with Merchant Center, we've seen, you know, Google leaning into YouTube. So that means you're still on their platform, you're still in their ad network, right? They have owned the web, and still want to end want to own the web even more, and not drive people to websites that aren't there. So it's a dangerous proposition these
Michael Cirillo: 11:39
days. Yeah. Well, it just kind of underscores part of the conversation that's existed this whole time, but now needs to be resurfaced to a greater degree, which is stop chasing the algorithm, start figuring out what you can do to get people's attention. Leaning heavier, and I mean, who knows? Maybe Maybe this means we lean heavier into social platforms and social strategy. YouTube, as you brought up video, I mean, the the job, you know, if anybody's controversial statement of the day, Kyle, if, if your identity has been tied to this thing called SEO, then we missed the point all along.
Kyle Mountsier: 12:26
Okay, so here's, here's, here's what I love. So this is Neela is quote at the end of this article, and I think like it, it is deep in the roots of a soda and more than cars, that this is meaningful for us, and I think should be meaningful for any brand that's trying to attract an audience and better yet, and and we use the word community, but he says, I often joke that the Verge is the last website on Earth, but there's a kernel of truth to it. building an audience on the web is harder than ever. And that leaves us with really, one big question, what's next? And our argument is like, build an audience, by building community that's connected to you that only wants to come see you, for whatever reason, whether that be in social or on video, or on the web, or in a showroom, or wherever you happen to be. Because then you don't have to rely on Google clicks and paid search and all this type of stuff. You've just built a brand worth fighting for.
Michael Cirillo: 13:22
Yeah, well, Google is leased land to begin with. Sooner or later, you got to you got to put a stake in the ground and get your own property. I mean, that's the name of the game. And I mean, it's no wonder why at this very moment in time, guys like Gary Vee are releasing books such as the one he just released day trading attention. I mean, that's the name of the game. It's it's and he's been talking about that for years. Right. For years, he's been talking about day trading attention. That's what we've got to do dealerships. Gosh, you better start thinking like media companies. Come on now. Better
Kyle Mountsier: 13:58
start thinking like media companies put a stake in the ground stop leasing Realty in your customers or Google's mind. Today's the last day of the month. Go and make it about so much more than cars.