It’s Black Friday and the Gap might be back. We also caught up with married Dealers Michael and Jennifer Lee of Freedom Kia and Seneca Ford who talk about buying a first time dealership DURING the pandemic. We also talk about the impact of encouraging your teams to give back as a part of their job.
Show Notes with links:
Gap’s stock price is up over 30% this week as the new CEO, Richard Dickson, announces a bold strategy to revitalize the company's four brands - Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, and Athleta, emphasizing a clearer brand perspective and innovative marketing.
Paul J Daly: 0:35
What is happening as Black Friday people are waiting in line to get in Walmart to get a cheap TV. And here we are interviewing dealers and talking about the auto industry what you just know it.
Kyle Mountsier: 0:48
People really want to know they're still waiting in line to get a cheap TV. Repeat this thing called the internet, they totally missed the thing.
Paul J Daly: 0:59
I mean stores have still it's been nice to see okay, the min is kind of peak.
Kyle Mountsier: 1:04
Like mid day Black Friday stuff. Like
Paul J Daly: 1:08
there's a Black Friday going on for like a week now. Yeah,
Kyle Mountsier: 1:11
that's actually started two months ago Amazon Prime was keep
Paul J Daly: 1:15
pushing early now right and all the clothing stores like all the all of the the retailers that I'm on their email list, I've been getting 30% off for two weeks.
Kyle Mountsier: 1:25
You know what my favorite thing about Black Friday week is I know exactly who I want to unsubscribe. Oh, yes. Go down the list. You're like, yeah, I don't really want that every day. I don't want that every day. It's just like, it's
Paul J Daly: 1:37
right there for the picking. It's it is it is and yeah, they're actually I've realized how many black friday boat things I signed up for last year when it was like subscriptions. Right 50% Off 70% Off an annual plan. And now I have to pay full price and some of them like I've gotten used to like my home mesh network Eero? Like, I was like, Yeah, I'll get Eero Pro. And now I like really liked the features like you like us controls. Like they got me they got I mean, if I ever thought about it, I would unsubscribe last week, and they probably will give you the you know, as the whole game. Hey, so I know a lot of people are on the floor. The floor is busy in some places. Would you favorite black friday thing you've ever heard a dealership? Do? Can you think of one? I mean,
Kyle Mountsier: 2:27
I've I've heard multiple dealers? Actually, there's a dealer that I saw a social post that's real. That is doing a $99 sale. Right? Right. So they're like you got the first you know, if you're the first person there, whatever, they do a little auction on the$99 car. It's a little older car and that type of thing, but drives a whole bunch of energy. Gas that's 99 bucks right there. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, so there's there's stuff like that. I mean, our good friend paren Patrick a bad he like legitimately does not run sales the rest of the year and then just goes full throttle. Friday is Friday sale. So I like that. You know. And then I think the other fun thing is like I've seen interesting giveaways, like everybody likes to give away a TV. Yeah, but then I've seen some like cool tech and accessories giveaways. You know, alongside like, especially like Subaru, and Mazda dealerships are pretty good at that type of stuff. Okay, okay.
Paul J Daly: 3:27
I like that. We're having our first ever Black Friday thing. It's kind of like a Black Friday today, yesterday, the day before and this weekend. But wherever a buy one, get one sale on the asoto merch shop. So you go to shop dot aso and get buy one get one on any t shirt. Any hat we just added some mint colored T shirts to the roster just yesterday. So those are on there. So hey, go check that one a little black Friday, something special for that someone you work with. That's the place to get it. All right, we have today's a special like a little special thing. We have like a little fun little retail news piece and then we're going to share with you a video that we'll set up in a minute but first, let's talk about speaking of retail Black Friday. Let's do it black swan holds a place in my heart. I have a very fond affinity for one of these brands but gap, Inc. Gap Inc. You know, the brand's stock price is up over 30% this week as the new CEO Richard Dixon announces a bold strategy to revitalize the company's four brands. And that's Old Navy gap. Banana Republic. And is it Athleta? Yeah, Athleta Athleta. I didn't know that was I didn't know that was a gapping brand. Emphasizing say we need to emphasize a clear brand perspective. Innovative mark is something about a clear brand perspective. So Old Navy, right it's fun and it's value. He's got a vision for that gap, which is the one like I grew up in the mall like gap was like the store in the mall. Absolutely. When I was growing up. I was like that was the store I couldn't afford. By the way. Like I was I was like literally when I was a kid I was like rich people shut the gap. Literally, I was out at Kmart. Remember Kmart? Absolutely
Kyle Mountsier: 5:10
know exactly what Kmart basically he
Paul J Daly: 5:12
says the gap needs to reengage in cultural conversations that was a cultural icon and they just got so vanilla, that it didn't matter to me. Well,
Kyle Mountsier: 5:20
it's kind of become like the, you know, the,
Paul J Daly: 5:24
the, the what? Word
Kyle Mountsier: 5:27
baby boomers like, top shopping list. I know. Yes. Like,
Paul J Daly: 5:32
do you work in your area? We don't even have one in Syracuse anymore. It's gone. Well, here, there were like four of them here. And they're all gone. You with all
Kyle Mountsier: 5:41
the work to do if we're feeling that way we're paying attention to retail. They got some they
Paul J Daly: 5:46
do but here's the key element. You know, he's got a vision for Banana Republic. Athleta. But Dixon says this, he says we're telling too many stories. We need to edit ourselves and tell a more clear and precise story that stays consistent and has a relentless, free competitive narrative. I was like standing ovation. Oh, anyways, and
Kyle Mountsier: 6:09
got a straw like GPT didn't write that. No, no doubt the stock said for sure on a relentless, repetitive narrative. Like I think that every brand can learn from that. I tell you what, brands that have a relentless, repetitive narrative Nike, like you think of Nike, it is relentless and repetitive the way that they go to market and it shows in the way that people perceive their brand or attach. You know, I think when people when there is a relentless, repetitive narrative to your brand story, people come closer. They know what they're close, they're coming close to if
Paul J Daly: 6:48
you're watching the video, you can see Kyle shirt today has a bit of a relentless repetitive narrative on it is love people more than you love cars. And yeah, I get it. We vibe with him. It's not the fastest way to do it. But it's definitely the deepest way to do it. It's not a flash in the pan. It's not a fad. It's not a pop culture moment. It's actually we'll call it a movement. So gap was a movement, relentless, repetitive narrative. We'll see if we get back maybe they can get Kanye again. I don't think they're gonna be I
Kyle Mountsier: 7:16
don't think they want to get Kanye. To do that. I think that's water
Paul J Daly: 7:21
under the bridge. Good. All good. Well, we have a very special interview for you today, Kyle and I were at the name Ed convention several weeks ago, and we caught up with a lovely couple married couple dealers. And we had never heard of them. We had never met them before. And they share some of their story with us. And we were just again, looking at each other. We're like, the stores are everywhere, everywhere.
Kyle Mountsier: 7:44
They're everywhere. Yeah. So hot, but you're gonna want to check it out. You're gonna want to get to know Michael and Jennifer, they have a really cool story, some cool stuff that they're doing at their stores.
Paul J Daly: 7:56
So bought a dealership during the pandemic, right? They have a really awesome perspective on how they encourage their team to be involved, not just give, but to actually learn something about the charity contribute. It's an unbelievable story about culture, entrepreneurship, family business life. And you know, we thought we'd share it's a good day to share this interview with you. So here we go further ado, here they are. Right. I'm here with some new friends Michael and Jennifer Lee.
Unknown: 8:22
I remember the last name, I can't even spell it. Yeah, that's right. And we're here at the neighborhood conference. And we just kind of met in the hallway and you told some amazing stories. So just wanted to share them with the community. Michael, maybe you could just tell us about your dealer journey and the short story and where you are and market and all that stuff. Yeah. So you know, I follow you guys since last name by meeting is super cool. Listen to your podcast and love people more than cars. It's really inspiring. And, and one of the things I wanted to share is, you know, we we decided, you know, if you think about it, right? Car dealers are packed cars all the time, you know, for extra profit, this and that. So we decided, You know what, let's talk to our sales guys and say, hey, look, what have we pack every car $50 You know, their Commission's affected by their percentage over the $50 and say, Hey, we're gonna donate this to a charity of your choice, right? And we had a conversation with our team and they said, Yeah, I'm in, right so they're contributing their portion of it. So we packed every car 50 bucks, we set up $50 every car that we sell, and then I was like, Okay, well, who do we how do we select this? Like, it's not going to be pin on tail on the donkey? Right? We want to be involved in the community. It's not just about the money, it's about involving community. And, you know, for salesmen in a month for me, I don't we don't reward them if you will, right. We want them to be involved community so my wife's like, Well, why don't you have the saleswoman pick it out? So we did it we did salesman of the month gets to pick it out. But in order for them to choose a charity, they have to go out there and talk to the executive get a tour, learn about what they're sponsoring, and then we write the check and we help the community but yes, started as a salesperson, and worked my way up to be a dealer principal. We're in Morgantown, West Virginia Freedom Kia. It's been an exciting ride and recently acquired with with the help of my beautiful wife taking care of the family. It sounds like she has all the good ideas to no question this partnership doesn't work and what we're able to accomplish does not work without her. I promise you that. Okay, so what is it like being the support group for a dealer? Every night when he comes? That's if he comes home. It's a dealer, right? He's got stuff to do. You guys have stuff to do. It's, it's a tough gig. But it's definitely well worth it. Especially when you know, you see the love and the enthusiasm when he comes home. And he's got all these great ideas. It's hard to say no to. And he loves what he does. So there's how can you not support that? You know? So were you all in the auto industry or even looking at the auto industry at all, when you like, met, got married and all that stuff? I was not an auto industry. I got a job as a salesman while we were still dating. Yeah. And so she's been with me for 23 years, despite the fact that you came, came back around, you're like, Okay, so I just got a great job as a car show. To what she said, I'm gonna have to tell my parents this. Well, she at one point, at one point, she did say to me, she's like, you know, if I knew that you're going to work this kind of hours, I would have married a surgeon. It's true, because he works just as hard. And you know, when he comes home, and it's the middle of a pandemic, and I've got two teenagers at home, and I'm trying to teach German and algebra, and he comes and goes, I would buy a car dealership. Yep. Yeah. So So you said you wanted to buy one during the pandemic? Yeah, it was, it was dead. In the middle of pandemic, everybody was slowing down. We didn't know if we're gonna be able to make it, you know, we're gonna sell cars or what's going on? I was like, Oh, I think it's gonna work. Let's Let's go buy a car dealership. And I'm like, I'm trying to teach German. And she was like, nine. Let me say this a German? No. And so but but so you bought this store? And are you glad you bought the store? Oh, I'm thrilled. I mean, you know, he is a visionary person. And so he saw the vision, and he saw the you know what it could be? I'm more of a here and now. Yeah. And let's squash these problems first. But you know, I'm glad. That's why That's why it works. That's why it works. And he took the leap. And of course, I was okay, let's do this. Well, you know what I happen to know a lot of car dealers that make more than surgeons, you just say I'm just putting that out there. Good luck to a surgeon trying to sell his business one day. Yeah, it's just work that way. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's true. That's true. But you know, besides my wife, my team has been absolutely amazing, right? Like I said, we had a conversation with my sales team, before we implemented it, say, Look, we know it's going to impact your pay, and not a single one said, Well, I don't want to contribute my share. Everyone said, That's a great idea. Let's do it. You know, and they're willing to chip in on their own. So it's like savings for a charity and not having to save right? So it starts with the team. It starts with everybody that's involved. And that's why I love people more than cars, if then you love cars is awesome, because it's about the community. It's about the people. Those are the ones that help you build your business. And at the end of the day, they're the ones that support your business. And the business is just a vehicle. The rest of it, it comes from people, right. So that's what we're working on. I'll say something about culture and leadership that that's the reality in your stores. Michael, Jennifer, thank you so much for giving us a few minutes. Absolutely. Nice meeting. Nice meeting you too.
Paul J Daly: 13:36
I love those two. They are
Kyle Mountsier: 13:40
such a good one. I
Paul J Daly: 13:41
forgot. Like half of the things we taught, you know, because we do a lot of interviews, right? And I remembered a little bit but like watching that again. I'm like, Man, the $50 pack per car. He does cars for all kinds of stuff. Yeah, it's like why wouldn't we pack it use it as an opportunity to get our team involved? Right, just build a little bit of buy in and no doubt. I mean, it's obvious we're gonna visit their store
Kyle Mountsier: 14:04
someday that will that if the culture wasn't already good enough, that will radically shift culture.
Paul J Daly: 14:10
I just, I just thought of something. We're all probably they're probably going to be at NADA along with pretty much everyone we've ever interviewed. I wonder if we just shot out a little thing like, hey, everybody we've ever interviewed. We're going to do a little meet up at like, doesn't it we can't rent a place and do a thing. But hey, we're gonna meet up by the whatever spot in the convention center.
Kyle Mountsier: 14:33
I'm already
Paul J Daly: 14:35
Jordan Jordan is producing the show today because Nathan's on vacation and Jordans down there. He's like, this is exactly why I took this. This is why
Kyle Mountsier: 14:43
I'm here. This is what we're all a look. We let you in exactly what we're doing. We're glad that you let us in today on Black Friday. Hope your Thanksgiving was great. Hope you sell a bunch of cars serve a lot of customers do it You