ASOTU CON Sessions Episode 11: David Meltzer

October 17, 2022
David Meltzer and Glenn Lundy sit down to chat at ASOTU CON 2022.
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David Meltzer is the Co-Founder of Sports 1 Marketing.

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Paul Daly: 0:03You're listening to the ASOTU CON Sessions by Effectv recorded live in PhillyDavid Meltzer: 0:11

he's a Raiders fan.

Glenn Lundy: 0:13

What's up? This is Dave Meltzer and I'm here with my friend Glenn Lundy. And the only thing I don't like about that guy is he's a Raiders fan. Could you tell the difference? Nope. I am here. This is ASOTU CON Sessions. I am here with my voice twin, Mr. Dave Meltzer. Good luck those you listen to on the podcast, keeping track of who's talking at what time we're going to try that that'd be your that'll be your your project while you're listening to this 15 minutes. But you're out who's talking and who's talking when Meltzer, you're in Philadelphia, we were just in California yesterday, you're headed out to answer somewhere traveling all over the world or doing all these crazy flights. You're out there making an impact, bro, from what I understand. You're a pretty successful guy, you've done some pretty good things. You got the family, you got the white picket fence, why you keep pushing man, why are why are you going so hard?

David Meltzer: 1:11

Because my definition of happiness is to enjoy the consistent, everyday, persistent without quit pursuit of my potential, not other people that go the extra mile every once in a while or never, and then use those data points to justify why they're not where they want to be. I utilize the consistent persistent pursuit of my potential to justify how I got where I am, and where I'm going. And it's a real paradigm shift to have that perspective, that consistency is not a punishment. It's a promotion. Consistency is something that can be enjoyable. If you find the light, the love and the lessons and the activity of the consistent behavior.

Glenn Lundy: 1:53

Yeah, it can be right and I know I was at a trial. So you showed me your morning area where you do your squats, and you do all of those things, right? And it's little tiny. It's not huge, massive, crazy actions, right? It's like little tiny, consistent every single day. And then it adds up over time. Where did you maybe learn? Or where did this philosophy come from? That teeny tiny actions consistently over time, get you great results.

David Meltzer: 2:21

It happened by studying time for the last 16 years. And what I mean by that it's really interesting to think about things in in the construct of time. Because if we look at what I want, in the long term, I have to look backwards first, meaning that I am only limited by the meaning that I've given the Define moments or inflection points of my past. And then how do I apply those meanings to the activities today, which is the consistent behavior, and where the interesting thing happens is in a trajectory towards an unlimited future? So how does this play in are intertwined with what you're describing when you say, I've been with David, and I've witnessed the pragmatic approach that he takes to a minimum of 10 minutes with this, there a minimum of time doing this. And it's really that if I tell you what I want, in the long term, the infinite that I want to change the world, right, you and I share a vision of empowering over a billion people to make money help people to have fun to create happiness, a collective consciousness, if you and I met on an airplane, which you and I were just on the airplane, but the guy across the hall that thought he recognized me, right if he said to me, so dude, you know, I've seen you before. You know, what, what are you about? Well, you know, to be honest, I'm going to change the world. That should scare the crap out of him. Sure. And me. But if he says to me, so how are you going to do that? And I show him the activity I plan today the activity I don't have plan today in my sleep. If I show him all of those little tracing calligraphies squats, minimum of an hour a day doing this minimum of two minutes a day doing this. If I showed it, none of it would scare him. None of them. Nothing I do today would make you think like, oh, that dude's Crazy, right? But the aggregate effect of those non crazy activities, those scare the crap out of someone the same way if Jeff Bezos 25 years ago, this is my favorite example. Because 25 years ago, I was more famous than Jeff Bezos, I had more money than Jeff Bezos, and I had more relationships on Sand Hill Road than he had, right. And if he would have told me, David, I'm gonna be the richest man on earth and make over a trillion dollars. I would have laughed at him or he would have scared me. Right, right. Like, I'm not gonna invest in that guy. He's nuts. Right? But if I probably looked at his daily activities, nothing that he did day by day working out of his garage selling books would even given me a remote inflection of fear,

Glenn Lundy: 4:55

right? Yeah. How do you figure out which one habits need to be daily. How do you figure out which what are those things that are going to put us on that trajectory? 15 years from now, to having all that we want? How do we figure out what those specific activities are?

David Meltzer: 5:11

No, it's interesting. So I have over 16 years of developing daily practices that allow me to decipher and decide the prioritization of my day. See, when people are procrastinating or feeling overwhelmed, the antidote to that is to know how to prioritize what's important to you, and the trajectory of the scary the trajectory of the unlimited and the infinite like being the richest man on earth, or like you and I are changing the world. And in order to do so, I've come up with five daily practices that I give away for free, right? I always say if it's free, it's we email me First name, first initial last name. Why do I say that? Because if you know what you want, each day, in a trajectory towards what you think you want, notice, I didn't say what I know, I want sure I when I laugh at people for only one thing when they tell me they know something in the future, because I know that's impossible, right? So if you tell me, I think that's what I want. Now I understand and you understand that you don't know what you don't know that you're living in radical humility, that you have faith, there's something bigger than you that's protecting and promoting you. There's a lot that goes into the idea of I think I know what I want. So if I take today and say, This is what I want, this is who I can help today. And who can help me today, in the trajectory of what I think I want, this is how best I can get that done utilizing time. So I study the calendar. I'm efficient, effective and statistically successful with lenses of productivity, accessibility and gratitude. Why? Because if I know what I want today, in that trajectory who can help me and who I can help in that trajectory and how best to facilitate a line synergistically with that trajectory, I then can prioritize what's important to me, knowing that that's the antidote to feeling overwhelmed or procrastinating. When you feel overwhelmed, you're actually living in abundance you have more than enough to do you have too many options. Opportunities touches a favor. Your biggest problem is prioritization. So know your what, who and how, then you'll know your why. I mean, you'll know your now which allows you to apply the why not search for something that you already have. See, you're already happy, healthy, wealthy, unworthy, you need to figure out what you're doing to interfere with the why not trying to go get it?

Glenn Lundy: 7:27

Yeah, it's already there, right. Like it already exists already in you. It's in the seed. You just gotta allow it to flow, speaking and allowing it to flow. You and I jumped on a plane last night at 1020 After having dinner with a referee, after watching an awesome football game. Now we're here at an automotive conference. You're a speaker, you're a coach, you're an author. You're a sports guy, you came from a sports agency of all sports connections, what are you doing an automotive dealership, Auburn automotive conference, I should say,

David Meltzer: 8:01

what sports taught me was all businesses are backdrops. And what I mean by that is all businesses are backdrops to the skills, knowledge and desire that you have, especially today. So give me one skill, one knowledge or one desire that you have, and I can make it applicable to automobiles, media, sports, plumbing, whatever it may be, I can utilize any industry as a backdrop so that I can apply my why apply my capabilities, apply my what, who and how. apply my skills, knowledge and desire. So believe it or not, there's a lot of synergies between the automobile industry and the sports industries, which is why I can't think of one sport that doesn't have something to do with the automobile industry.

Glenn Lundy: 8:49

Sure, sure. So is it do you think it's just like, you've worked with a lot of business owners like you coach a lot of different people, right? Like you were coaching the referee guy, you're coaching you go Jay, Paul Daly or is it automotive? Right? So you're coaching people from different industries? What do you see as maybe one or two of what are the one or two pieces that pull it all together? No matter what industry it is, whether it's solar, whether it's sales, whether it's plumbing, whether it's you're a chiropractor, or a natural, holistic healer, what is the one or two things that you think pulls it together that allows that coaching to bridge all those gaps?

David Meltzer: 9:29

There's three things that Bridget and I'm very clear on this after so many years of helping so many different people in so many different professions from the chairman of the biggest oil and gas company to an entertainment company and huge multi billionaires down to industries in solopreneurs. Number one is mindset. I'm an expert at changing the way you look at things, and applying a different meaning to the defining moments and inflection points to heart set. I'm an expert at understanding how you feel. So mindset is belief hearts. That is how you feel those are the two highest levels of intention. Then, because of the years of dummy tax that I paid in so many multiple industries, because so many multiple industries were utilized and applicable to the sports industry that I was in, because we had every single industry interested in either endorsements, sponsorships, branding, etc, advertising in the old days, right, but it wouldn't matter. I am also an expert at the handset. So the activities, I'm excellent at giving you those lenses of productivity, accessibility and gratitude, allowing you to be more efficient, effective and statistically successful in what you want, who you can help who can help you and how to get it done. So as an expert coach, someone who can empower people to have the right mindset, the right heart set and the right handset, I basically teach people the mathematical equation of luck. I teach you what to pay attention to five daily practices, and what to give the five levels of intention. Here's what to do to be efficient, effective and statistically successful. Here's what to say. In fact, I don't mess around, as you know, with words during the Raider game, just so these people know, although we sound the exact same, and they're trying to figure out if I'm actually here or not. Or you're just interviewing yourself pretending like you're me, right. But you said to me, interception, interception, and what did I say Ganzel? I say the right things, right? I teach people to say the right things. And then I teach them to think the right things with that mindset. I teach them to believe the right things with their hearts at an mindset and then feel it in an inspired or motivated state. So you can't give me an industry that humans are involved, that I can help become more productive, accessible and gracious, that I can accelerate where they want to be. And help them to find where that is, by teaching them mindset heart set in handset.

Glenn Lundy: 12:02

I love that mindset, heart set and handset, I'm going to shift gears on you. Now. That was huge. By the way, I hope you guys you guys, I know you're taking notes, you wouldn't be listening to this. If you're not taking at least I would hope that you will be listening. So let's shift just a little bit and

David Meltzer: 12:15

I'll give a tip on taking notes. Only write down what resonates with the way it makes you feel right and then word and then create a system to access your notes. I got a garage full of undergrad graduate school. Tony Robbins like every single guru that I've been with Sure. And I can't access them. Because I found out this lesson too late now. I have the ability to access all the lessons that resonate with me.

Glenn Lundy: 12:39

Yeah, I need to work on that. Still, David, I've got I've got books, notebooks. But each notebook is labeled. So at least have that like, right, like stuff I've learned from Meltzers on and so forth. But then once you get into the pages, there's 1000s

David Meltzer: 12:54

of pages and nuggets. So I gotta figure that out. I gotta feed that

Glenn Lundy: 12:57

part. So I'm glad that you added that. With that said, shifting over to automotive. We all see auto from the inside. Everybody that's here at this event is somehow working in the auto industry. You see it from the outside? What does it look like? What does the our industry look like to an outsider right now? Yeah. So

David Meltzer: 13:17

it applies directly to actually what I've taught people how to pitch, because the number one problem of the automotive Bill industry is credibility, same as lawyers, by the way. Sure. So what I loved about working with you and love about working with you, and the people like Paul Daly and the people have ASOTU is that credibility is seen with a fine tooth comb. You want to turn credibility inside out. When somebody has been wrong, you want to make it right, regardless of the price. Yeah. And so one, I see a credibility issue in the industry that needs to be re engineered to the emotional attachment is what I love about the automobile industry. It's so easy to get people to tell you what they like and they don't like about the automobile industry or about their automobile. Right, you got children first easiest way to make money because people give up every single thing just so the kid can have a piano lesson, right? Then you got sports, idiots will pay 1000 bucks to have you sign their baseball, right? Stupid. And then you got cars, right? Idiots will pay $2 million for a car that they're never going to drive right or drive maybe 500 miles in his lifetime or your trip. So you have this emotional aspect, an emotional attachment that needs to be looked at when you look at the automobile industry and make sure that that emotional attachment is aligned with the highest value the highest frequency, not the lowest value of lying, manipulating, cheating, over selling back and selling which then diminishes the credibility which credibility is the most important thing in the automobile industry. Then the third thing is the ability to articulate quantitative value. There's so much more value in a car today. There So you take is unbelievable technology has changed the value of a car. And people don't articulate that value. Right? They assume that, you know, this car that's less expensive. It does so much more than than the $2 million Bugatti 20 years ago. Right. Right. And it's not that expensive. That's right. But they don't appreciate it because no one's articulating the value or the role of the auto, then impact, right? I can't think of a more impactful industry on so many areas of our economy of our culture, of our belief systems of our ability to be happy. Look, why, why did Ford do what he did? Right? Because he created the weekend. So people would have more cars. That's right. It has a huge impact on the world. Yeah. And then finally, I think the idea of Rites of Passage is connected to all of that. Absolutely. And then the fifth component I think that needs to be worked on, is there's so much capability that isn't being utilized as an arsenal, and you're an expert at this, you know, the amount of success that you've had blows me away. And the reason that you're successful is you understand the capabilities of the automobile industry, and you apply it in the right trajectory. You don't oversell back and sell, lie, manipulate or cheat, you're not running some sort of short term scam. To sell under the cover rust proof, you're actually utilizing what is an extraordinary amount of capability to use as an arsenal to add to four things, to add to the credibility, add to the emotional attachment, add to the quantifiable value and add to the impact. Those are the five things that I see need to be focused in on with the attention and intention to create greater coincidences in a great industry.

Glenn Lundy: 16:56

Mic drop moment, all of you in automotive rewind, go through that about 27,000 More times over the next 15 to 17 years. Focus on those five areas. And we will continue to grow thrive and crush in this amazing industry. Meltzer our 15 minutes is up, I could talk to you for 15 days to talk to yourself or I could talk to myself in the mirror over and over, but I wouldn't have the right answers. That's That's right. I gotta remember who I am and then I'll get some of those answers right mind

David Meltzer: 17:29

remember and recollect who you are. And I promise you, the inspiration will fly through you and you'll channel the same data that I am and I'm just blessed to have and be here and have a friend like you

Glenn Lundy: 17:39

love it, man. Appreciate you being here. That's Dave Meltzer. Make sure you email him He'll send you a free book.

David Meltzer: 17:45

If you design it, send it to you pay for shipping.

Glenn Lundy: 17:47

Yep, he'll do all of that. All right. They appreciate you. Let's go have some fun, love it.

Paul Daly: 17:53

Thank you for listening to this ASOTU CON Session by Effectv if you want more content like this, you can check out our other podcasts we have a daily show called The automotive troublemaker Monday through Friday, here and podcasts also live streamed on YouTube, and LinkedIn and Facebook. We also have a long form podcast called Auto Collabs Auto Collabs. And if you just want to go a little deeper in this community, you should sign up for our regular email we put our heart and soul into it. You can get it for free by going to We'll see you next time.

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