Mike Whitlow

Mike Whitlow

Mike Whitlow is a seasoned sales and marketing professional who has contributed significantly to CRM, product, and digital marketing go-to-market efforts at Activator Dealer Solutions. As the Director of Product Strategy and Marketing, he has demonstrated his expertise as a product subject matter expert and a specialist in sales onboarding. His strong background in Sales and Marketing operations has been instrumental in creating and executing go-to-market strategies, managing product launches, and developing account-based marketing initiatives. Mike's ability to guide product strategies and enhance sales performance through tailored sales enablement content is a testament to his professional prowess. Mike resides in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife Joanne and their two young daughters. He is an avid cyclist and bike racer, often participating in mid-level events. His meticulous nature is evident in his hobby of disassembling and rebuilding items, a trait his wife playfully teases him about. He has a collection of over five bikes, each serving a unique purpose.

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