
Skip The Rhinestones

Friends don't let friends turn their airbag into a landmine. 💎
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Skip The Rhinestones

Suggested Soundtrack: Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy

In an unusual twist that could be mistaken for a fashion faux pas, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is waving a red flag at rhinestone steering wheel decorations. 🚩

What's the Risk?

Accessorizing your steering wheel with stick-on rhinestones might elevate your interior's style. Still, it also boosts the risk of injury. In a collision, these glamorous decals can detach and take flight, potentially causing serious harm.

A Real Concern

This isn't hypothetical—adorned airbags have already turned into inadvertent projectile launchers, with one driver suffering vision loss from an airborne gem.

We’re slightly surprised the government needs to step in and say this. Next, NASA will announce that Wal-Mart bags should not be used as pillowcases despite their soothing scronchy sound.

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