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November Market Trends

November market trends.
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November Market Trends

The Ups:

⬆️ Sales Volume Increase: November new-vehicle sales are projected to see a 6.5% rise compared to the same period last year.

⬆️ Inventory Surge: New-vehicle inventory starts the month at 2.4M units, up by over 900K units from last year.

⬆️ Market Recovery: Overall signs of recovery with higher sales numbers indicating a bounce back from previous socioeconomic constraints.

The Downs:

⬇️ Moderate Pace Decline: The Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) is expected to hit 15.3M, a decline from last month’s 15.5M (though up by 1M over last year's pace).

⬇️ Weaker Sales Climate: Economists note a weaker buying climate, leading to a slower sales pace.

⬇️ Wholesale Market Adjustments: Wholesale values decreased in the first half of November, continuing a downward trend over the last six weeks. The Manheim Market Report Index indicates accelerated depreciation, more than typical for this time of year.

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