The Boys & Girls Club of Rochester serves 1,400 underserved teens and children in Greater Rochester. Their mission of propelling students toward academic, athletic, artistic, and social health and excellence does not stop with access but takes on a broad spectrum of services that ensure total wellness and opportunity.
Healthy snacks, hot meals, computer-based STEM and literacy programs, and even a teen-run store that collects funds for future club needs, like field trips.
Inspired by all the club and its members were doing, West Herr Automotive Group President and CEO Scott Bieler and his team decided to help!
The dealer group proudly announced a gift to the club of a 12-passenger Ford Transit Van this week. The van will enable the club to broaden its commitment to serving youth.
We spoke with Mary Wright of the auto group, who shared how personal this story is for her. She was a Club Kid growing up and is proud of her company supporting a group that helps kids learn, feel safe, and have fun.