
Group Discussion

Outage Tips, Fisker, Bugatti, and BMW.
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Group Discussion

Did you catch our Friday livestream? We had people from all over the automotive industry talk about the solutions, processes, priorities, and encouragements to keep their team focused during outages.

Maybe CDK Global isn’t impacting you, but someday something will, so it is best to be ready when it does.


Surviving the Outage Like a Pro: Top Tips for Dealers

1. Back to the Basics

  • Paper and Pen: Keep essential forms and documents in paper format as backups. These can include sales forms, service tickets, payroll docs, and more.
  • Manual Processes: Make sure your team knows how to handle tasks manually, from writing repair orders to calculating payroll.

2. Plan Like a Scout

  • Preparedness: Have a detailed playbook ready to deal with outages. Cover all departments and outline steps for switching to manual operations.
  • Training: Regularly train your team on the contingency plan. Conduct drills so everyone knows what to do.

3. Keep the Lines Open

  • Transparency: Tell customers about the outage and how it might affect services. Honesty is the best policy.
  • Alternative Contact Methods: Use personal emails or phones to maintain communication if the CRM is down.

4. Tech on the Fly

  • Mobile Hotspots: Mobile phones with hotspots are used to keep essential digital services running.
  • Alternative Tools: Employ other digital tools not affected by the outage, like mobile versions of your CRM or sales tools.

5. Lock Down Your Data

  • Physical Copies: Keep physical copies of essential documents safe and organized.
  • Data Backup: Regularly back up digital data to minimize the impact of outages on information retrieval.

6. Show Your Team Some Love

  • Guaranteed Pay: Ensure employees know they'll get paid during the outage by averaging their previous earnings.
  • Training and Support: Use the downtime to train your team on manual processes and systems.

7. Lean on Your Tribe

  • Industry Collaboration: Share resources and best practices with other dealers facing similar issues. Platforms like can be super helpful.
  • External Help: Contact industry partners and tech providers for support and additional resources.

8. Master Parts and Service

  • Inventory Tracking: Keep a manual book of parts inventory and pricing to manage orders and stock without digital tools.
  • Handwriting Orders: Train staff to efficiently handwrite service orders and parts requests to maintain operations.

9. Sales Strategies, Old School Style

  • Deal Jackets: Use pre-loaded, manually filled deal jackets to continue sales processes.
  • Remote Deliveries: Keep delivering cars and handle paperwork through physical means to ensure transactions are still possible.

10. Think Long-Term

  • Insurance Coverage: Review and understand your insurance policies, including cyber coverage and business interruption.
  • Redundant Systems: Invest in redundant systems and backup tools to ensure continuity during future outages.

Got more tips or ideas? Hit reply or send them our way using our Outage Resource guide. Remember, when dealers band together, no crisis can win. It isn't just a catchy slogan; it's a commitment to one another!

Or if you have 36 minutes and 16 seconds, watch a replay of the live stream on LinkedIn or YouTube.

Fisker: What Do We Do With The Ocean?

Fisker has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, leaving Fisker Ocean EV owners in a precarious position.

While the cars should still function, owners face uncertainty regarding service, repairs, and warranty claims due to Fisker's financial instability and layoffs.

  • Third-party services like navigation and roadside assistance may be discontinued due to non-payment.
  • Parts supply issues and potential difficulties with insurance coverage further complicate matters.
  • Resale values are plummeting as the market reacts to the bankruptcy news.

The future of Fisker and its obligations to current owners remains uncertain as the company attempts to restructure.

Bugatti: $4M for 1,800 HP

Bugatti has unveiled the Tourbillon, a $4 million, 1,800-horsepower hybrid supercar. Featuring a 16-cylinder engine and three electric motors, it marks a powerful evolution from the Chiron. Designed to retain the spirit of mechanically powered Bugatti cars, the Tourbillon combines cutting-edge hybrid technology with a nod to classic watchmaking craftsmanship.

BMW Canceles $2B In Batteries

BMW has canceled a $2.15 billion order for EV battery cells from Northvolt due to the latter’s delays in production. Northvolt, struggling to ramp up its industrial output, will shift focus to developing next-generation battery cells for BMW's Vision Neue Klasse EVs. Meanwhile, Samsung SDI will fulfill BMW’s immediate battery needs.


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