
Google's Robot Constitution 🤖

Google introduces a Robot Constitution.
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Google's Robot Constitution 🤖

Google isn’t only building robots; they're crafting a safe, coexisting future with their new "Robot Constitution." Here's the lowdown:

The Goal: Prevent a robot uprising with a digital "Do No Harm" oath.
Inspiration: Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" - Rule #1: No hurting humans!

Giphy/Boston Dynamics

Google's Robotic Dreams"?

Future Vision: Robots as every day as smartphones, tidying homes and cooking meals.
Tech Behind: Large language models & neural networks - think ChatGPT but for robots.

Giphy/Werner bros.

Safety First

Layered Protocols: Robots programmed to avoid danger to humans, sharp objects, and appliances.
Human Oversight: Supervisors armed with a physical kill switch, just in case.


Advancements in Robotics

Systems like AutoRT, SARA-RT, and RT-Trajectory: Making robots smarter and faster.
The Mission: Build robots that are helpful, respectful, and safe.

As we embrace a future with robotic helpers, Google ensures they're friendly, efficient, and, most importantly, safe. Here's to coexistence with our future mechanical pals! 🍻🤖

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