Mike Terry and the folks at Mike Terry Auto Group exemplify the generous culture we love sharing in our dealership content. Monthly donations to the Hillsboro Interfaith food pantry, charity car shows, high school scholarships, Christmas gift donations, including 50 bikes every year; the list of the group's giving spirit goes on. But, today we are sharing Mr. Terry's newest feat – a $10K donation to the Hills County Boys & Girls Club!
"I'm always working to increase future opportunities and assist with projects that help develop young people. I love taking care of youth. They are our future.", Mr. Terry shared. "They appreciate what you do, never feel entitled, and have fun all the time with no worry. Some kids are in tough situations through no fault of their own, and it hurts my heart to see."
We asked Mike how his team raised the donated funds, and he said, "I use the funds generated through car sales. I normally have a spur-of-the-moment feeling, and I get in my vehicle, head to wherever kids are, and donate money."