Data & Insight

Data-Driven Decisions

Stop lying to yourself.
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Data-Driven Decisions

David Long’s All Things Used Cars community was no-nonsense on Friday, getting straight down to business on how to cut the fiction and work the facts.

People often cherry-pick data to support their preconceptions, ignoring the full picture. It’s called confirmation bias, and it's a common trap in decision-making.

Simply Psychology

Battling Bias —

🛡️ Quality Data Collection: Getting to the truth means diving deep into the data, not just skimming the surface. Be sure to look at the whole picture, not just the parts that fit a preferred narrative.

⚔️ Embrace Diverse Teams: They offer varied perspectives, helping to spot biases and connections that everyone may not easily see.

🛡️ Team Collaboration: Keep your data collection, analyst, and communications teams interconnected. This collaboration fosters questions about data origins and representation, identifying and neutralizing potential biases.

⚔️ Stay Alert to Unconscious Bias: Our position and background can unwittingly influence business decisions made. Recognizing and acknowledging these biases is the first step in mitigating their influence.

🛡️ Avoid Assumptions: Don’t just assume things are working as they should. Regularly inspect resources like your website for accuracy and efficiency.

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