Thanks to a heartwarming collaboration between the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Covert Bee Cave, and the 12 Kings Classic Car Club, Nicholas Johnsonโs dream of riding in a classic Corvette became a reality on his 17th birthday. ๐
Since childhood, Nicholas has bravely faced challenges due to Duchenne muscular dystrophy with unwavering positivity, and his infectious enthusiasm and resilience have made him an inspiration.
One of his biggest sources of joy? Classic cars. ๐
Jay Janner / American-Statesman
Covert Bee Cave, an enthusiastic supporter of Make-A-Wish, proudly opened its doors to host this special event. In addition to being generous with their time and efforts, they've also collectively donated nearly $200K to the organization since 2021.
Known for their charity work, the 12 Kings Car Club not only provided the classic car but also made Nicholas an honorary member of their group. ๐
For Nicholas though, the highlight of the day was a thrilling ride in a vibrant red 1968 Chevrolet Corvette through the picturesque Texas Hill Country, a radiant smile on his face. ๐๏ธ